15 weeks after right hip replacment

Hi I am 15 weeks post right hip replacement and am experiencing both numbness at the top of my right leg and around the start of my wound and pain in my right buttock. My recovery journey has been slower than I thought as I was born Spina Bifida so have a previous medical condition around this area. Is it usual to still have buttock pain at 15 weeks after surgery and is the numbness normal? Thanks in advance for any advice and support. Carmel x


  • Louisa77
    Louisa77 Administrator Posts: 264
    edited 22. Jun 2023, 12:56

    Hi @Carmie

    Everyone's recovery is different, the best thing is to discuss your recovery with your medical team and physio.

    We have some helpful info on the recovery here:-

    as well as some of our Let's Move for Surgery Toolkit | Versus Arthritis,

    Hope you find some useful info.


    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,082

    Post back surgery I had numbness for many months so it probably is normal I haven't so far had hip surgery, but people like @RogerBill and @Lilymary and everyone who posted on this thread might know more about the hip pain

    I do have a back issue though as I said and definitely experience pain in my buttock too😕

    Take care

    Toni x

  • RogerBill
    RogerBill Member Posts: 223

    Hi @Carmie I had a hip replacement in 2021. At c15 weeks post-op I was still finding it best to get up and move at fairly frequent intervals including two or three times during the night and every hour or so during the day. This plus the recommended exercises and walks two or three times a day helps builds and repair the muscles and keeping things moving I guess helps circulation and reduces numbness. I think this might be habit forming as I'm still doing much the same! Recovery certainly takes time and effort - I was told to see it as a marathon rather than a sprint, not sure why they told me that as I've never been a runner 😊😊

    Everyone is different and it's difficult to compare anyone else's pain and discomfort with your own but as @Louisa77 said if you have concerns you should certainly contact your physiotherapist and/or medical team. Please note that I've no medical or physio training or expertise.

  • Carmie
    Carmie Member Posts: 7

    Thanks to everyone for your help and advice it is much appreciated. I am at 18 weeks post op tomorrow and saw my physio two days ago. She has referred me for 8 weeks of group lower limb physio because things are not progressing as well as expected. It appears that I have trochanteric pain syndrome which I had 2 years ago after an examination under anaesthetic of my hip and is due to being pulled about during that procedure and has been aggravated by my hip replacement. So it’s great to not have the pre-op pain but finding it a bit difficult dealing with this latest pain. Onwards and upwards life is a marathon not a sprint. Hope everyone is keeping well.