Pain for last month- osteoarthritis in hip

Joanns22 Member Posts: 6
edited 20. Jun 2023, 20:14 in Living with arthritis

I have osteoarthritis in right hip and been waiting on an appointment with osteopath since December. For the last month I have been in pain, not only my hip but all over in particular my legs. Could this be related? Been to gp and they recommend increasing by painkillers, which worked the first day I increased but not since. I can’t sleep, hurts to sit, stand and can only lye on my back in bed due to pain. I’m taking 60mg edoxaban, and dihydrocodeine x 2 four times day plus paracetamol. Can anyone advise if weather is impacting their arthritis and how you manage please?


  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    To be honest, any weather that is warmer than about 10deg C cheers me up no end. I manage by watching my mood as much as my pain as the two things go together anyway. I pay quite a bit of attention to getting the weight off the most painful joints so when I truly need to be mobile they seem to appreciate they were given a rest first.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 773

    Hi @Joanns22

    It stinks doesn't it! I'm the same at the moment and can't take anti inflammatories so my meds are limited. I can only sleep on my side as well due to my bronchiectstasis and I have two bad hips. So a no win situation here.

    Have you tried putting pillows between your hips in bed? I find that helps but I do also use a tens machine which I am use whenever the pain is at its worst. I also have two pairs of elbow crutches and do find that standing up supporting myself with those helps until I get too tired.

    If you find that magic wand, can I borrow it after you've used it?

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 282

    Hi @Joanns22

    I too have osteoarthritis in my right hip and know how you feel regarding pain in your legs. I think they call it deferred pain but whatever it can be quite debilitating. I am finding this very warm/humid weather also effects my lower legs and makes them feel very heavy. When I feel like this I find that elevating my legs helps a bit and when possible I also do my physio exercises most days, if not all of them but some and I try and keep them as gentle as possible. I also sleep on my back but can sometimes lay on my side ( not my bad hip side ) for a short while. Sometimes to ease the stiffness in the morning before I get up I do a gentle stretching exercise in bed. I cope by taking each day at a time and also try to distract myself by listening to the radio or doing a jigsaw. Hope this helps and remember you are not alone in all this.

    Take care🙂

  • Joanns22
    Joanns22 Member Posts: 6

    Thanks all, I have been doing some stretching before I get out of bed and then ten minutes on an excersise bike each morning which I have found helps. Just gentle peddling but it loosens legs. I have lost two stone since February as I wasn’t letting my weight be the problem and I try to help myself. I too love the sunshine and potter in garden. Think this last few weeks has got better of me and was totally fed up with it.

    nice to have people to talk to going through similar so Thankyou x

  • Cazzie
    Cazzie Member Posts: 3

    Hello everyone. I have Osteoarthritis hips, and small joints feet and hands, neck and back. Need some good pain killers so far have only used paracetamol and cream for hips. Not allowed NSAIDs. What has helped you please, ??

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 773

    Hi @Cazzie

    Same herewith hands feet and hips. I also can't take NSAIDS.

    I'm currently trying to survive in a combination of gabapentin, tramadol, paracetamol and various creams together with it baths and my tens machine.

    At the moment nothing is helping and the hip pain is horrendous.

    I am being seen by a wonderful physio at our local MSK team and have an MRI scheduled 1st September for my hips and we will see what happens after that. That is the first appointment I can get.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 866

    Hello @Cazzie welcome to the online community,

    Apologies @Joanns22 for hijacking your thread , it is great that @Cazzie has had a response already from @Trish9556 . This is what is so good about this forum, we all are so friendly and supportive of each other.

    Cazzie I attach a few links that you might find helpful

    There are a lot of discussions and activities on the forum so I hope you find a moment to browse round and join in with us again soon.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • Cazzie
    Cazzie Member Posts: 3

    Hello everyone. I have Osteoarthritis hips, and small joints feet and hands, neck and back. Need some good pain killers so far have only used paracetamol and cream for hips. Not allowed NSAIDs. What has helped you please, ??

    I am so due to see MSK physio, with a long wait in my area. Also MSK physio / and orthotics for feet. I don't know if a wedge in shoe will help. As also I have crooked gait and over pronation of feet. I'm sure doesn't help, if not has may be caused bone erosion, and bone spurs.

    It's just knowing how to manage pain with diet, exercise, sleep, and pain killers.. I am medication sensitive, and I am not allowed NSAIDs..

    Best wishes

    Cazzie x

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    Drat. Went to the gym and there's nowhere to lie down to do my clamshell physio, for my knees, which I am finding is around about difficulty 10 on a scale of 1-10 so the trainer suggested a more gentle sideways leg lift, which did indeed seem a lot easier. Harry Worth had no problem doing it.

    I'm regretting it tonight. I am down to an awkward shuffle. My left hip is in pain I had to get my stick out. This is giving me a good warning not to mess with hips in a hurry. I see the physio again at the end of next month so I expect he can explain why such a simple movement has hit me so hard.