Journey with this Arthritis

Wonderwoman89 Member Posts: 8
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi I am new to the site and just want to say hello my journey with Arthritis has been a painful one and I have just had a total knee replacement on left knee in Feb 2023 it is a long slow process to recovery so I am still in the process of every day fitness regime trying to healthy eat and do the right thing as for having it in my hands which is so painful I think it may be creeping into my hip and right knee I still look at myself as being lucky compared to those who are absolutely overtaken with this condition :-( I have just started a 6 week course called Escape pain so keeping my fingers crossed it helps.

Take care everyone :-)


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 855

    Hello @Wonderwoman89 welcome to the online community,

    Thank you for sharing your journey so far. You have had a TKR and you feel that your OA is creeping into your hands, spine and knee. You are following a healthy eating and fitness regime and have just started the Escape pain course. Those members who have followed this course have reported beneficial results so I hope your crossed fingers help you as well.

    I don't know if you have seen the VA new exercise videos which many of us follow and rate highly? I attach a link in case you want to look at them through YouTube.

    Do let us know how you get on with the Escape pain course, it is always useful to hear how it works out for people. I hope there are other activities on the forum that will interest you so do look round and join in.

    We look forward to hearing from you again soon.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • Thank you so much for the acceptance and I will have a look around and see whats what especially the fitness program :-)

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 278

    Hi @Wonderwoman89

    I have recently been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in both my hips and have had it in my right knee for 2 years now. After chasing my Doctor about my x-ray results I saw a physiotherapist at the surgery and have finally been referred back to MSK for a follow up appt. at the end of July. Meanwhile I too am going to start the Escape pain course on Wednesday and Friday this week. The course lasts for 6 weeks and am keeping fingers crossed that it will help my symptoms. I hope that you are getting on alright with the course.

    Take care🙂

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 278


    I was wondering if you are still doing the ESCAPE pain course and how you are getting on with it? I have just completed my second week and am finding it helpful in having a physiotherapist there giving information and also assisting us with various exercises. Some of the exercises are familiar to me and some not but I am including them in with my other physio exercises given to me a few months ago. I hope that you are finding it helpful.

    Has anyone else on here done this course? It would be good to hear of other people's experience. 🙂

  • Hi Fran54 I did my 8 weeks course and must say it did help me baring in mind the instructor was fab the way she dealt with helping you I am going to join the regular group she runs which is a little more intensive so am keeping my fingers crossed sorry about just answering your message but just logged back on keep up the good work your doing and I hope it really helps :-)

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 278


    I hope that you are getting on okay with the exercises. I finished the course a while ago now and did find it helpful in that the physiotherapist was always there to make sure that you did the exercises correctly. It was also good being with other people who knew how it felt dealing with various forms of arthritis. I had a steroid injection in my knee a few weeks ago and was told not too exercise for at least 2 weeks, therefore I have only just started back doing my exercises. I am gradually building them back up again but must admit I am finding them a bit hard and tiring but I must persist as they do help to keep me more flexible. What I am not looking forward to is the colder damp weather as this affects my joints. I am sure I am not the only one to suffer with the weather. Anyway keep up the good work and take care. 🙂

  • That sounds really good how your being positive in doing all the exercises they have given you it definitely helps being with others that know what you are going through and it is hard sometimes getting into the swing of doing them after my total knee replacement at times I was so low I did feel like giving up however I thought no it does help and after been given this chance of having the operation I did not want to seem ungrateful because at 58 I was told by the Consultant I was quite young to have it done so that did keep me going I totally agree with the weather affecting the condition as I am just starting to feel it now if I have to go out in rainy/cold days. You also keep up your good work and take care :-)