Unexpected hip pain

I am sure lots of folks will resonate with this one. My hip has gone west.

After my gym session last Friday I developed an unexpected hip pain where now I can't walk round the corner without it becomes too much, so suddenly, walking is out of the question until I can find a new step limit.

I mention this because I'm suddenly having to work quite hard to come up with a new nursing plan that helps me to rest up and see if it will ease off. Two mornings now, it hasn't settled down overnight and then I had to take an ibuprofen so I can potter around the house safely. Paracetamol wont' touch it.



  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 773

    Hi @Baloo

    I can't walk round corners either. I found in the first throes of my hip problem that spinning around on the spot as we did was a huge no no and the realisation of not being able to do corners either followed.

    I do it slowly leading with my better side and taking a wider that necessary turn works for me. Imagine riding a bike or driving for the first time and taking really wide turns!

    My corners are ably assisted by two crutches

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    Thanks @Trish9556 I use a wheely rucksack. It helps me to balance and I can lean on the handle for the difficult bits.

    I'm feeling a bit more optimistic, as the pain hasn't flared back up from just walking round the house. I put my stick down. There is a good chance I will be right as rain by tomorrow.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 773

    Hi @Baloo

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • TLee
    TLee Member Posts: 88

    It's hard to say what will set my pain off. Turning too quickly or just shifting my weight wrong, odd sleeping position (like when you wake up and the dog is sideways on the bed & you are hanging on to the edge for dear life, or is that just me?), exercising a tad too enthusiastically, or something ridiculously simple. Just today I was on my knees on a chair & stretching to water a potted plant on the windowsill when I realized that I was stuck--couldn't shift my weight to step down on my good leg, couldn't turn and sit myself down. Whatever I did, it hurt! Now I can't seem to trust the hip to hold me up at all. It's lucky that tomorrow is our July 4th holiday and my hubby will be here to handle the more strenuous tasks & let me rest up. I'm disappointed because I had been feeling really good, almost pain free a lot of the time. Poo.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    My hip is feeling a good deal better. The hip inflammation took about 5 days of resting to calm down, so I am walking around much as I was before with much less pain. There is a strange ache left in my knee and hip when I wake up in the morning.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 773

    Hi @Baloo

    I'm glad you are feeling better.. I have a constant ache that goes down my hip into my leg which is sort of cold....is this similar? No idea what it is so if you find out can you let me know please

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    Well, I don't exactly know what the pain is, although philosophically I have to say no matter what I do, it will still be there tomorrow. It is a warning light that I still need to take care tomorrow, probably in the same way I did today and yesterday.

    In my case I had a little difficulty sleeping with this new hip pain so I took some paracetamol and that worked. So I will carry on doing that, I will have to. Also I won't be doing the same gym exercise again that caused it. I will take a rest and see if it will ease off. I did my usual leg press up to 40kg this friday, but nothing more, and kept an eye on the stiffness afterwards, but it seems to have gone ok.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532
    edited 16. Jul 2023, 12:23

    Looks like my hip has calmed down at night as well, for long enough to suspect it has stopped being a problem (instead of being a total job stopper).

    I also seem to be having one of those days, where my system is having a day off from causing aches and pains too 🤤

    Win Win. but as we all discover with arthritis, the future is not so predictable as we would like it to be either.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 773

    Hi @Baloo

    That's good to hear. I hope you get a good period of relief from pain. My constant ache has stopped me from sleeping since 2am after a fairly good week and i have no energy. 😭

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx