Fed Up


Sorry to be a moaning Minnie again but I'm thoroughly fed up.

After yet another sleepless night dosed up with tramadol and paracetamol for my hip, I'm wondering if I should just cancel my day out to Waddesdon Manor.

It's only about five miles and one if our favourite places but, it's sat on a hill (very steep with a shuttle bus). We haven't booked the house this time but the grounds are stunning.

Normally on a following day from sleepless nights I have a quiet home day and catch up on sleep.

Should I kick myself up the proverbial and get out? I know I should go but can't, at the moment he bothered to move. If I don't go out I'm running the risk of this stupid Arthritis (osteo) ruining my life on an increasing frequency. Also as we all know appointments take forever to come through and by the time I get my hip MRI it will be 10 months since they gave up on me, 10 months of not being able to have crazy fun with my young grandchildren, 10 months if being told dont do that, 10 months if increasing meds and hair falling out and 10 months of being told to get used to it. It took me five minutes to get on my exercise bike yesterday, set at its lowest, allowed for my 2 minute slot. just couldn't get my ******** leg over

I'm not the only one on here not being able to speak to, let alone see a GP. Fed up with that too.

I know I should get out but I have this dread if making my pain worse.

Somebody kick me

So very fed up

Trish xx


  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 221

    @Trish9556 consider yourself kicked - if you stay in you will probably feel like you've given up and regret it. I would go out as planned but just take it easy and enjoy the sunshine. We all need to get out and about whilst we can. I am looking forward to a motorbike ride later as the sun is shining. I'm taking my co-codamol throughout the day so my hands won't bother me as much later.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 529

    Oh I haven't been I a motor bike for 51 years, had a boyfriend with one and rode pillion, used to love the carefreeness if the early 70s....dad didn't approve of my chosen attire for riding pillion though ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ thank you @Loggiemod

    Trish xx

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,715

    Hi @Trish9556

    Sorry to decline the invitation to kick you on the grounds of;

    (A) I'd never be able to stand on one leg long enough to do it

    (B) I'd be on the floor until someone could pick me up

    (C) @noddingtonpete has already volunteered so it'd just be overkill

    I do feel though that, if you are able to "kick myself up the proverbial" you are maybe an interloper on this site! Try one for contortionists๐Ÿ˜‰

    Seriously, it's annoying when we can't do the things we most enjoy but there are times when they're just not possible. If the venue is so close then why not just postpne the visit and either use today to recover or, if you feel getting out would help with that, go somewhere less demanding. And maybe plan your next visit - with aย - hired? - disability scooter? Or just getting there and sitting and enjoying the view? I've spent hours parked in a wheelchair while husband and kids did the stuff i wanted to do but scenery and people watching, crafting a poem or just reading bring their own unexpected rewards. I was once parked outside an information place whle Mr SW went in for instructions. A passing drunk came, took my hand and kissed it in the gentlest, actually sexiest, fashion. It made me smile๐Ÿ˜€

    Grandchildren can always be played with. The fun might not be as crazy as you'd wish but, as long as they're having fun, you'll enjoy it. In my time I've been - seated -ย wicket and keeper at cricket, scorer and referee at table tennis and snooker and actually really valued by their friends ("I like your Mum. She talks to us.") A friend, confined to a wheelchair, devises great games for her two young grandsons. Once, when leaving Californa, I left a series of rhyming clues to send our grandson from one end of the house to the other to find, ultimately, the stack of U.S. coins we'd left for him. We watched him hunting on WhatsApp when we got back. (Sorry, long paragraph but kids and grandkids are important.)ย 

    I think we run into trouble when we define what will make us happy. We just have to go with the arthritic flow and, instead, discover the fun in where we must be.ย 

    I'm sure the exercise bike is a really good thing but, on a day when just getting on is so problematic, maybe a few exercises on the bed (floor if you can get down and up) would be better. But always, ALWAYS have a laugh - or several. That's the best exercise๐Ÿ˜„

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 529

    Thank you @stickywicket, you made me giggle visualising you trying to kick me up the proverbial and I'll let you off. I actually gave myself a good hard kick using one of the hated extra legs I was given by the hospital and duly got myself up this morning and got in the car to go out so please can I stay on here? I'm not an interloper! We weren't out for very long but I think it did me good - Mr. is good at telling me I can't do something so a short trip was probably just the thing. I actually spent the night on the floor as it was the only place I could get comfortable so feel we should have a floor party with some wine? It's not easy getting up but I tend to drag myself to the sofa and drag myselfup from there. Naughty I know but when things are that bad I'm beyond caring.

    The grandchildren are very good at looking after Nanna bless them but I can't wait to be able to be the monster chasing them round the garden and taking them for long walks again eventually.

    Thank you again @Loggiemod and @stickywicket for putting me right this morning - I was just feeling so incredibly sorry for myself after a bad day and resulting night and it all just got to me.

    I'm now sat here watching Wimbledon and waiting for Andy Murray to get back on court, the exercise bike is staying hidden away for a couple of days - I've been banned doing any more exercising by the physio for the time being.

    thank you again

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,715


    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,446

    Aww @Trish9556

    I am so sorry you are having such a rubbish time, but very very pleased indeed that you got off your rear bashed yourself with the third leg and went out! Sounds as though it was worth it.

    Well done you.๐Ÿ‘

    Sounds as though you have a fabulous support network with your Mr and the grandchildren too.

    PS. Don't mention not being able to see even speak to a GP๐Ÿ™„

    ((())) and a bunch of these ๐Ÿ’

    Toni x