Non stop Swelling

Does anyone else suffer from swelling that literally doesn’t stop? My knees have swollen from very low levels of fluid to ballon’s and unable to bend or straighten them within 2 weeks and are continuing. I have had this before and previously had to have them drained every 3-4 weeks to keep on top of it.

Rheumy says the usual, just stay off work until the new meds either work or doesn’t over the next 12 weeks, they live in their own little world where employers just support you continuously and pay you enough to pay your bills endlessly while your sat at home. 🤷‍♂️

At a bit of a loss what to do going forward and Rheumy and a pretty much out of ideas also as I’ve been on most classes of Bio’s now.


  • Aallyann
    Aallyann Member Posts: 31

    What’s the fluid they drain off? Is it yellow? I had this but my knee was bleeding so the fluid they were draining off was blood. I had the same though with being unable to bend my knee.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,227

    It's ridiculous isn't it having balloon knees gosh the skin pinches😣

    If the only thing that worked before was draining I wonder why the rheumatologist didn't suggest that this time?

    Oh yes they have no idea how the real world is out there with employers tolerance for ill-health.

    Baggy trousers now then for you🙄

    wish I had the answer for you

    Toni x