it got worse ;-( im 42!!!

Ema Member Posts: 1
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

this pain is unbearable & scared, its in the very top of my spine/neck & left thumb. when i first got diagnosed was 2yrs ago and i was in hospital for 3 weeks with septic arthritis in my shoulder, the pain was worse than having my 4 natural births. it took a while but with a lengthy stay n hospital & a lot of iv antibiotics and loads of morphine ect it the septic bone was clear but now my oa is in the new places above and omg that pain again. thankfully ive just had another few days stay in hospital & theyve confirmed its not that again but its in te new places. im realy struggling with the pain (& mentally) whilst they are finding the 1 thats best for me. sorry to waffle on .
