Pain medication

Lucy2 Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:10 in Living with arthritis

Hi , I’m hoping to get advice on medication for osteoarthritis. My condition has been (osteoarthritis in lower back and osteopenia ) ) developing for the last 5 years . I am now at the point where walking is almost impossible and sleeping badly although my GP has recently given me amitriptyline at night and it is helping some . I still wake up with numb leg and foot.

I have been using a walking stick for the last 2years , because the pain in buttock and groin made me unsteady on my feet , but I now have to use an electric wheelchair when I know I will have to walk any distance, ie supermarkets shopping . I can no longer do most housework or even stand at a kitchen bench to cook or bake and gardening ( which I loved ) is now out of the question, because the pain becomes unbearable

my problem is I can’t get any effective pain relief . I can’t take any anti-inflammatory meds because if my heart condition, I was having codeine, but that was stopped when I had a bad flare up of diverticulitis. My GP tried me on low dose fentanyl patch and I was very surprised it didn’t help at all. The Pharmacist at the surgery rang to tell me how addictive it was, so I stopped it, why would I risk serious addiction of something that was not helping at all. ? My GP has suggested I try a higher dose . Please can anyone tell me if the higher dose has helped them. I will use it if it helps even though I risk getting addicted to it

I have a physio assessment next week , dose physio help ? Can it improve my walking?

I am becoming very depressed about this. I’m glad I found this site and know there are people who understand and may help me accept what is happening to me. Thank you


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 763

    Hello @Lucy2 welcome to the online community

    We are glad you found this site too because we are a friendly group of people whose lives are affected by living with arthritis. Your life has changed significantly over the last five years and you are asking if anyone has experience of using fentanyl patches. We are not medically qualified and not able to offer specific advice but I am sure there are members who have personal experience of using this particular medication .I hope they will be able to share this with you.

    Meanwhile I attach some links which I hope you will find helpful

    I like,so many of our members have benefitted from physiotherapy and the exercises they suggest. There are also some excellent VA stretching videos some of which can be from a seated position which you might access and enjoy. Start gently, build up gradually and you will be surprised how it helps with your pain and mobility.

    Do let us know how you get on with your physio assessment next week.

    Best wishes


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