Working part time, can I claim benefits?

Hi everyone,

My name is Sue and I am a 60 year old lady with Arthritis in my fingers, knee and lower back.

I was working 37.5hrs as a UCR Support Worker in the NHS but have had to drop my hours to 22.5 due to my Arthritis; stiffness, pain etc.

My job is caring for people in the community; personal care, moving and handling etc.

Are there benefits/help I can claim because I am unable to work full-time?

Many thanks 😊


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,026

    I'm not a benefits expert at all so in your shoes would be making an appointment with Citizen's Advice (the list is quite long) .

    Hopefully they can help advise you.

    This might be useful to read too:

    take care and good luck

    Toni x

  • Jules70
    Jules70 Member Posts: 65

    Hi sue I used do similiar job when was first diagnosed with oa .

    had leave full time work went through citizens advice told me I could claim Universal credit and pip .in two years I’ve had both knee replaced .

    had two rotator cuff repair operations on 4 months .it never ends .

    The CAB will help you you can go on website called turn2us free benefit calculator to see what your entitled to

  • Jules70
    Jules70 Member Posts: 65

    Hope this helps 👍