Exercise Referral Scheme

jonr Member Posts: 426

Hi all,

I was up my local Gym recently and one of the ladies who works there told me about the Exercise Referral Scheme which was set up in the 1990's to help the inactive and those with health issues to participate in exercises at a participating local sports centre.

It's GP referred and the benefits are a discount on membership fees (40% in my case) and a consultation with a specialise who will put together a tailor-made exercise programme.

Could be useful to know for anyone who finds the prospect of exercise and/or going to a Sports Centre or Gym daunting.

As most of us know, exercise and physio is one of the foundations for managing our conditions - I've certainly benefitted from it and am leading a very active life, despite needing both my knees replacing.


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225

    The actual cost of going to a gym can be enough to put some people off @jonr

    so thanks for posting this I hope it will inspire others to give it a go.

    Toni x

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 426
    edited 1. Aug 2023, 10:20

    Understood Toni - private gyms can be very costly but Council-Run or Charity-based Sports Centres are more reasonable. I'm paying £40 per month at my local Sports Centre which is run by Better!, now with the scheme this will drop to £25 and I've unfettered access to all the facilities and fitness classes. This pales into insignificance when I compare it against what I'm spending on Acupuncture, medication and supplements!

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225

    Wow that is a huge difference Jon and could make it accessible to a lot more people.

    Thanks for this.

    Toni x