Anti CCP Antibody normal values


I am new around here! I recently saw my GP as I have been experiencing joint swelling and pain. I initially assumed it was osteoarthritis as my parents both have it but then realised I’d be considered a bit young for this to be the most obvious diagnosis (35 years old). My GP thought my symptoms sounded more like RA. My anti CCP antibody value was slightly raised at 3.5U/ml (over 2.99 is considered raised).

I’ve looked online and it suggests that over 20 is considered raised but the lab my results seem to consider over 3 raised. Does anyone know why the discrepancy? Do you know if even mildly raised means I have RA or could it be nothing?


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 869

    Hello @Jane2011 and welcome to the online community,

    You are experiencing joint swelling and pain and your GP has suggested it may be RA .Your parents have OA and your CCP antibodies reading is 3.5U/ml which could indicate RA . We are not medically qualified to give you an answer to your question but many of our members have years of experience in assessing test results and I expect will be able to offer their opinion.

    I attach some information about the main types of arthritis which I hope will give you an overview of the range of conditions.

    Whatever the outcome of your search for the answer to your question and possible diagnosis, you have the immediate concern of joint swelling and pain to deal with. So I hope you and your GP have established a treatment plan for this. There are plenty of tips from our members on their ways of coping with joint pain so do look round the community for the many discussions and suggestions.

    If you would find it helpful to talk with someone about your specific question then do call the Helpline on

    0800 5200 520 Monday - Friday 9.00 - 6.00.

    Take care


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • GillW
    GillW Member Posts: 8

    When I got tested recently my results suggested 0-6u/ml was normal range (mine was > 340!) If you have a look online all the uk based hospital Trust websites say 0-6 normal, 7-10 equivocal and above 10 is positive. I think you looked at a US website to get the 20 from and they likely use a different value?

    Either way, probably best to discuss with an expert 😊