Just diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis

Hi there 😊

I just wanted some advice, just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right knee.

I went to see my doctor as they ordered an X-Ray of my knee and it confirms osteoarthritis.

At first I felt quite sad, as I find it difficult to walk most days and the only thing my doctor has given me is codine (this makes me go to sleep as I cannot function on a daily basis if it took it most of the time).

My doctor didn't want to give any advice except look at exercise videos on YouTube.

I felt quite trapped because the pain is alot to put up with (feels like my knee is in a vice being cranked up)

I just wondered what anyone else does to cope?

Thank you.


  • Louisa77
    Louisa77 Administrator Posts: 264

    Hi @Cherri22

    Welcome to our online community - you've just been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the knee, sorry you are struggling.

    Here's some info about the condition which hopefully will help you understand more about what you can do

    Maybe you could call the helpline and chat through some pain management and options for alternative treatments.

    Hope this helps

    Louisa (moderator)

    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 282

    Hi @Cherri22

    I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in my right knee about 2 years ago now. Initially my Doctor gave me Naproxen and Omeprazole ( to protect the stomach lining ). I was given a course of physio exercises at my local hospital which I was told to continue at home. I found that last year the pain and stiffness was getting worse and went back to my Doctor requesting a further x-ray. eventually I was referred to MSK clinic and was given further exercises to do and am now waiting to have a steroid injection later this month. Like you I still find my knee very stiff and painful first thing in the morning, but after a while it loosens up. I find that the exercises do help to keep the knee more flexible but you have to persevere with them and it can take a few months to notice any improvement. The only thing to suggest is that you go back to your Doctor and see if he/she can refer you to a physiotherapist and also see if any other pain medication may help. Sometimes you have to be quite persistent to get things started, so don't give up.

    Take care.πŸ™‚

    DODGYKNEES Member Posts: 103

    Hi @Cherri22 I also have knee arthritis in both knees. There are a few things to help with pain management. Ask to be referred to physiotherapy at your hospital is a good start as they can give you exercises to help with strength and range of motion. Experiment with hot and cold therapy, hot water bottle, ice packs. I personally find knee sleeves and braces help especially during a flare. It's important to stay active but don't overdo things on good days. The right footwear is important. I have to wear comfortable trainers instead of hard soled shoes. If I wear shoes for a few hours I am in agony. I hope some of this is helpful. All the best

  • Cherri22
    Cherri22 Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for all your replies 😊.

    I did ask my doctor about physiotherapy, they said it's only offered at stage 4!?

    Do you think I can ask to be referred?

    My doctor didn't even look at me just their computer!

    After doctors I had tears in my eyes, I don't even cry easily but I guess I felt like I was a problem also worried for how my future would look like not being able to walk.

    I only came for their advice.

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 425

    Hi @Cherri22,

    Sorry to hear you've got an unsympathetic GP.

    If you live in England then you could self-refer to an organisation called Connect Health which handles high-level workloads for the NHS, MSK conditions are included. It's like a fast track service and I used it when I was in the same position as you. Amongst the services they offer is physio and surgery.

    They have a website which includes a search function for your nearest. Give them a call, say you want to self-refer for an assessment because your GP is uncooperative and you ought to get a telephone or F2F appointment.

    It's only available in England but it could be an option, if not then it sounds like you need to switch GPs or surgeries.

    Hope this helps
