Feeling down

Hi all, having a bad day today, feel sick all the time, headaches, numb fingers on right hand, lower back pain, and started last night with a strange pain in my stomach when I bent over wasn't muscular, feel like I'm falling apart at the moment, no get up go, tired, snappy, worried about letting work down, had to phone in work sick as I feel I can't face it today, so my boss is annoyed at me, really bad day, keep thinking to myself why me?? Quite depressed really wish the tablets would stop me feeling sick or atleast find something to take the sickness away. Yes bad day today


  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 239

    Hi @Tray we all get bad days as well as OK days so I hope you feel a bit better soon. Could well be side-effects from your meds - are you on anything horrible? Keep strong and we are here for you all the time.

  • Tray
    Tray Member Posts: 16

    Just sulfasalazine at the moment 4 tabs a day, just spoken to clinic she said to stop the tablets over the weekend to see if that helps and may need to try a different medication, so fingers crossed see what happens. Thanks for listening