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Suewas Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:11 in Living with arthritis

Hi. I am 54 and have recently been diagnosed with arthritis in both knees and an inflamed hip. I have been suffering with pain in my knees for many years and was told the cartilage was wearing out and there was nothing I could do apart from physio. This didn't work for me and I gave up. This last year, I have been suffering more and more to the point where my hip and knee just gives way and I end up in a heap on the floor. I was assigned a new physio who diagnosed arthritis. I am now being referred for MRI scans as I am still very painful. I can't take painkillers as I am sensitive to many medicines and they would not work alongside my other medications. I was given a gel but it's useless.... I have a telephone consultation with another physio tomorrow to discuss what can be done..


  • Cath100
    Cath100 Moderator Posts: 40
    edited 26. Sep 2023, 13:05

    Hi @Suewas welcome to the online community,

    Am so sorry to hear that you haven't had a lot of support with your arthritis, it sounds like you have tried to get this! And welcome to the online community, hopefully there will be some suggestions as to what you may be able to ask your GPs for from others online and you will find that we are a friendly supportive community.

    If you have already had a referral to a physiotherapist and been given exercises it sounds like perhaps there could be other things that could be offered, if it is weakness perhaps you could ask about whether knee braces could help and also if appropriate some people find that capsaicin cream or steroid injections can help with pain if you have tried other things- ask GP if these may be suitable.

    You can also find out more here about what could help with hip pain What helps hip pain? | Versus Arthritis

    And also here more information about osteoarthritis of the knee Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee | Knee pain | Versus Arthritis

    I hope this helps but do reach out if you need more support



    (Online community Moderator)

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  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 398

    Hello @Suewas and welcome.

    It's good you've been referred for MRIs, these will allow for a far more accurate diagnosis of your condition and how best to treat it. It's also good you're speaking with a physio, I'd recommend a face to face assessment if possible as you ought to be given a set of tailor-made exercises and stretches to do at home. If not, there are plenty to find on this website with videos. Thing is, many Arthritis sufferers (me included), find physio and any exercise painful but it's necessary to help build up the tissues and tendons surrounding weakened joints which are picking up the slack. Nail that and you'll likely have less potential falls and a far better quality of life.

    Based on my own experience, it can take months of regular physio and exercise to make a noticeable difference so in order to keep at it I think you'll need to perfect your pain management. As you can't tolerate prescribed meds then it's likely to be the route of supplements, alternative therapies and other pain-relieving items and even diet.

    @Cath100 has suggested knee braces and I think she's onto something as I use supports on my knees and find them very helpful to aid stability, particularly on longer walks, etc. I also like the compression they provide which is soothing when I get a flare-up.

    There's a great deal of information on the VA website which I found very helpful in charting a plan of attack for managing my condition. I do think it's a case of trial and error but for more targeted advice there is always the hotline to call, the people on the end of the line are wonderful and very knowledgeable.

    Best of luck!
