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Karan26 Member Posts: 3
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:11 in Living with arthritis

Hiya my name Karan I am 59 I have rheumatoid Arthritis I had it for 5 years I have a husband a daughter a son and 4 grand children I work as a chef 3 days a week in a children’s day nursery I dropped days as I am struggling with everyday life at the moment I am suffering with depression and every day pain x


  • yaz239
    yaz239 Member Posts: 52

    Hello @Karan26 and welcome to the community!

    On this forum you'll be able to find support and advice from other people living with arthritis. Hopefully, you'll find this community useful. The best way to seek support is to engage on the forum, if you feel comfortable of course.

    Here's some information on positive ways to help mood and depression Arthritis and depression: what you can do about it (

    I wish you all the best, Yas (Mod)

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Karan26
    Karan26 Member Posts: 3

    Thanks I will look at it x

  • StevieB
    StevieB Member Posts: 9

    I got diagnosed with Rheumatoid arthritis in 2019. I still work full time for the local council supporting individuals with pan disabilities. My role has been modified, I had input doing my risk assessment and my mangers are flexible. I also learn to pace myself better and let people know when I feel unwell. I have had input of a physio and OT and have good support off my Rheumatology team