Exercise after arthroscopy

Sladvalley Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:11 in Living with arthritis

Hi everyone. I'm new to this site. I am 67 and had an arthroscopy on my knee 11 weeks ago following a torn meniscus. My surgeon said he did what he could, repaired the tear and did a chondroplasty at the same time. He said I had OA which hadn't shown up in the X-ray or MRI and the level of OA was mainly 2 and some 1. He told me that I will need a knee replacement within 5 years and not to bother too much about exercise as it will make things worse! The arthroscopy was done privately and I went to the same hospital's physio dept and saw the most senior physio who said that what the surgeon said was totally incorrect and I should be doing exercises! I have indeed been doing my exercises and 'listening to my body' but I find that the following day the pain is a bit worse, then I rest it for a day, then do my exercises again and the circle of one day exercises, one day pain, one day no pain, next day exercises continues. But I'm troubled by the surgeon's comments, esp as he discharged me after a just 10 minutes follow up consultation! I have my final physio appointment this week and wonder where I go from here and who I should be listening to. Anyone had a similar experience?

Btw I had an arthroscopy on my other knee 19 years ago - they said it would last 12- 15 years and it has! But it's now starting to become a little painful at times, probably because it's had more pressure on it since my issues with the other knee.


  • CarylW
    CarylW Member Posts: 274

    Hello @Sladvalley

    The balance of exercise, rest and painkillers is really important in maintaining the muscles and strengthening your legs. This information may be helpful, although it sounds as if you are already doing what's most helpful! Maybe the surgeon meant keep away from exercise which loads the joints? Generally exercises like cycling and rowing are advised as they strengthen without placing too much weight on the knees and hips.

    Best wishes


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  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,733

    Just going to add this link in case it is of interest to you @Sladvalley might be useful when you stop seeing your physiotherapist.

    Best wishes


  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 418

    Hi @Sladvalley,

    Unfortunately, health professionals are individuals with individual opinions on what's best and what isn't for patients under their care. It used to be rest that was prescribed for Arthritis sufferers but more recently the advice is to strengthen areas surrounding affected joints via physio and exercise in order to aid stability and relieve the pain these areas come under as they pick up the slack from the joints they surround.

    The problem so many sufferers experience when they first start out with physio etc is it hurts so what you're experiencing is normal, I found breaking the physio down into smaller chunks really helped as did wearing an elasticated knee support to aid stability. Thing is, it's going to take time to have any noticeable effect, months even. It'll get easier but I'd recommend you nail your pain management to make it easier. Apart from GP-prescribed meds, there are many other things you can take, do or use to help - all are pretty much listed on this website.

    Al the best,
