Joined for everyone’s expertises in Arthritis

Suzette Member Posts: 2
edited 28. Nov 2023, 14:11 in Living with arthritis

I am newly diagnosed as having RA after suffering pain for over 20 years and struggling with juggling work and life normally with life being put on hold for obvious financial implications.

I would love advise on how everyone else juggles this especially if you work full time and you are single with no one to do tasks that you can’t do that day.

I am not looking for sympathy. I would like practical advice please and thanks for your responses in advance .


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,733

    Hello @Suzette welcome to the online community.

    I see you have finally got a diagnosis of Rheumatoid arthritis after having suffered pain for over 20 years.

    You are after hearing how others cope with practical, (and perhaps financial), implications of having a long term health condition such as Arthritis. You live alone which means there is no-one to pick up the slack when you are struggling.

    I am going to attach a link to financial support you may be eligible for:

    Some of our member use this extra money to employ domestic help perhaps with cleaning.

    Other use pre-prepared meals which enable them to conserve their energy or 'batch cook' and freeze meals when they are having good days.

    Now that you've introduced yourself please do look around the forum and join in wherever you feel comfortable. Living with Arthritis tends to be the most popular category after Say Hello.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,789

    Hi @Suzette

    Nice to meet you. Although people are sympathetic no-one will patronise you we all understand pain. Sympathy is for the uninitiated! Not us lot😁

    I think as far as my own arthritis goes/has gone I tend to rest when I need to (if I can) and ignore the housework. I have a good friend who helps me with some stuff I can't do like turning mattress and moving furniture. A lot do have cleaners to help with the household tasks too and why not if you can afford it.

    Look in to claiming PIP maybe? It's what they call non-contributionary so you can get it if you are earning too. Not means tested.

    If you struggle with some tasks due to pain there are things you can get to make life easier like kettle tippers, can openers for the kitchen for example.

    I do 'batch cook' myself on good days. At the moment I have two different soups frozen and some curry for those days when i am just not up to it. There are companies which will deliver (healthier than supermarket) ready meals to microwave too, but i suspect not cheaply.

    Ask us any questions and we'll help if we can.

    take care
