Arthosamid Injections for Knee Osteoarthritis



  • Interesting. I know some people have very good responses. What sort of knee OA do you have? For me, its the patellofemoral joint, which I think is birth defect because its both knees, they are both about as bad as each other and one of the specialists said my patellofemoral joint was slightly dysplastic. In contrast my tibiofemoral joints, which is the bit that usually goes for people with knee OA are in the words of another specialist "in very good condition".

    Another thing that makes me think the injection works better for tibiofemoral OA is the laughable inappropriateness of the rehab exercises on the arthosamid site. Squats, lunges and any sort of weighted exercise are a disaster for my sort of OA.

  • bambi45
    bambi45 Member Posts: 5

    Hello knee friends, I have been doing more research and came across radio frequency treatment . I believe they destroy the nerve by ablating the nerves that sends the pain singles to the brain .Again as with Arthrosamid, it isn’t permanent but may give relief for months maybe years . I would be interested to know if anyone with knee trouble has any experience of this treatment. Living in hope of avoiding TKR 🥴.