Christmas with RA

Hi peeps. Christmas Day is looming, and I’m wondering if anyone has any tips on food prep etc that might save me time and energy. I will be cooking Christmas Dinner for my husband me and visiting children. I know if I ask I will get some help in the kitchen, but as I am the only half decent cook in the family, most of the morning it will be me in the kitchen. Has anyone got any really useful tips.

I plan to prep veg night before. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated🥹


  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    My tips, born of trial and many errors boil down to two essentials - pace and delegate.

    1. Start now. Make sure nothing but essentials is left to the last minute.

    2. Make sure Christmas Eve is an easy day in all respects. Re cooking, do it now. Make a nice casserole and freeze it. Or just get a takeaway.

    3. Veg prep can be shared. Admittedly, I always have to check my sister's sprouts and usually take a bit more off. (She doesn't like spouts. I'm not surprised.)

    4. Any furniture shufflimg is a man's job in this house.

    5. Have lists. Timing list, utensils list etc. If they're hard to reach, get help. In advance.

    6. Make sure timing list includea tea breaks. Maybe the odd wine break but do stay awake!

    7. Delegate. Have a table setter, a wine pourer, a meat carver, a couple of fetchers and carriers.

    8. When people ask if they can do anything (even if they don't really mean it) think quickly and give them a job.


    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 809

    Hi @Woofy

    As @stickywicket has said, pace yourself and enjoy yourself.

    I always pop my Christmas pudding in the slow cooker. Pop it on when you get up and forget about it until you need it. I always serve cream with mine as I can't stand brandy sauce/butter or custard. If you're having a sauce or custard buy it ready made.

    Give your guests a list if pre prepared things to bring towards dinner, pigs in blankets peeled potatoes, sprouts, carrots, parsnips etc so all you need to do is chuck them in the pan/steamer/oven/air fryer. If your guests bring frozen roasties all the better as you can chuck those in the air fryer if you have one and just have to shake. Spuds can me cooked and turned into mash can be brought ready to go into the microwave.

    My daughter in law cooks her turkey Christmas eve and it's always amazing. It also means you can make the gravy (with lashings of red wine, have a taster if the wine as well to check the quality) Christmas eve also.

    Those that can't, won't or don't contribute must wash up.

    Enjoy your Christmas

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • Woofy
    Woofy Member Posts: 363

    You know Trish. Never thought of cooking the Turkey Christmas Eve. I can then slice it. And wrap it in foil to warm up.

    live bought a ready cooked ham, and you can warm that in the oven, so why not.

    pacing myself I’ve not quite go the hang of that, but I must try. I’ve recently reduced my steroids, and am now only on 1mg.

    due to finish them completely just before Christmas. The pain is creeping back. I am so hoping it doesn’t spoil the day.

    I will be positive, and take on board the tips. Thank you so much.

    You know sticky, I need to delegate. Never been much cop at asking for help.

    thank you for the sound advice.

  • stickywicket
    stickywicket Member Posts: 27,764

    Sorry, in a rush BUT do be very careful about reheating meat. Read here

    N.B from above link. "Remember, reheating means cooking again, not just warming up. Always reheat food until it is steaming hot all the way through (you should only do this once). Do not put food into hot holding without reheating it properly first."

    If at first you don't succeed, then skydiving definitely isn't for you.
    Steven Wright
  • I don't do any prep day before but I must admit I love my instant pot. Makes cooking so much easier

  • Jozzie
    Jozzie Member Posts: 4

    Hi all,

    My first time on here and I have enjoyed reading some useful tips. To be honest I might have to really cheat and buy ready made meals from a place called Cook

    I find cooking a chore that I do for myself and disabled son every day and don’t want to do it on my time off. That’s time for resting and recuperation and of course enjoying the festive period.

    I hope you all have a fabulous time whatever you decide to do.

    look after yourself and enjoy the holidays.


  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    Great thread! I am the cook in our house, last Christmas l cooked for 10 people and found it very difficult, l didn't delegate anywhere near enough. This year it's 5 adults and 2 babies so not so bad. Delegation isn't my strong point, it never has been but l will try this year. I will also do the prep the night before. Have a great Christmas everyone.

  • Sheelee
    Sheelee Member Posts: 153

    I always steam the non potato veg the day before. It means you aren't juggling with so much, and eg cauli and brussels do not spoil, and warm up fine in a microwave.

    Merry Christmas
