Hello everyone

lg2hsv Member Posts: 2


New to the community.

Quick introduction from me

approaching pension age and had arthritis since at school. A few ops . 4 for knee replacements, spinal surgery, thumbs, feet , neck injections and due a hip replacement .

Retired as a nurse after 40 yrs and not worked for 3 years now .

I’m fairly cheerful but disappointed that my retirement years are hinder by my joints. Mainly stiffness and discomfort.

Look forward to picking up any tips and anything that’s helps with this problem.

Still manage to do crafts such as knitting/sewing/crochet and cross stitch. Keep going while my hands will let me

Thanks for reading . Wishing you all a Happy New Year

Lynne 😁


  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 794

    Hello @lg2hsv welcome to the online community

    You have had years of experience with painful joints and are joining us to share in the friendship and tips that the community has to offer. Some members like you are waiting for hip replacement operations and have found lots of good advice and tips from some of the blogs that have been posted. I hope you find them helpful.

    Meanwhile the crafters among us could start another blog exchanging ideas, any offers?

    Heat pads, TENS machines, gentle exercises are all useful tips shared here, just go to the small magnifying glass symbol above and search for posts there.

    We look forward to hearing from you again soon. Happy New Year


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    Echoing Poppy, gentle exercise - stretching/core etc. Keep those joints moving if you can. I know I'm a bit of an evangelist here but swimming is a really good exercise, helps if you enjoy it of course.

    Hobbies are great but I was advised not to sit for longer than 30 minutes.

  • lg2hsv
    lg2hsv Member Posts: 2

    Hi swimmer 60

    I have a foot cycle ( and upright stationary bike)that I use and a swiss ball. Try and move around every 30 mins. My coccxy doesn't like the upright so much.

    The dogs wanting to go out in the garden keeps me active!

    Dont mind swimming so hopefully get back to it this year.