Quad exercises

I have extremely tight quads since my knee injury but am struggling to do stretches now I have arthritis. It’s a vicious circle causing rear thigh cramps and knee pain. Any exercise suggestions??


  • I can't do much exercises but I wear two 1lb ankle weights when I'm sat in front the tv and I do knee flexions and extensions.

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 426

    Hi @ElaineGr,

    As I don't know the nature of your injury or the sort of exercises you're attempting, I hope what I write below may be relevant and helpful in some way.

    I have found a deep tissue massaging gun to be very effective and able to soothe a variety of Arthritis related symptoms. I use mine with an attachment which is very similar to a Squash ball and rub it up and down the muscles and tendons surrounding my knees. It helps to maintain suppleness, relieve stiffness and locking. Lots to buy on Amazon and I use mine before I exercise and afterwards if I've been on a long walk for example.

    Have you tried hamstring stretches before and after any exercise? I typically do mine with a leg on a stair or chair and find they're beneficial before and after more rigorous physio and exercise.

    If you're a gym-goer, an Exercise Bike is a great way to build quads, calves and glutes whilst getting a cardio workout so a bit of a double-whammy.

    If you're really suffering, perhaps a hot wheatbag or water bottle may make it easier, and/or elasticated knee supports - I find the compression soothing and they aid stability.

    Finally, if it's a set of exercises you're doing, perhaps break them down into bite-size chunks during the day - same outcome, just perhaps with less pain rather than putting your knees through 1 intensive set of exercises?

  • Moira
    Moira Member Posts: 116

    Exercise bike is great - but don't overdo it. Visit a physio who will give you the right exercises. You can do damage by doing the wrong ones, or doing too much. You need to start with the correct ones for your problems and start slowly and build up. Doing too much or the wrong exercises can cause more damage. Your GP should be able to refer you to an NHS physio. Some gym folks aren't trained in working with arthritic conditions so if you go to the gym make sure your trainer does know what they are doing.

    It really does help if you do exercises, the correct ones and the correct frequency but you will need advice.