Post Hip Op


Hi everyone!,

I have been lucky enough to get my hip replacement on the 5th December. It has been fantastic! I am now getting pain in my opposite hip, knee and inner thigh. I do have z as but of arthritis in my knee and hip but not sure if the pain will ease! Has anyone had this experience or is it normal?


  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    Hi @Newyear I had my hip replacement op on 18 December. I have found that as I am moving more I get the odd twinges in my non operated leg as well as the operated one. Nothing really significant but enough to notice.

    I believe a lot of the aches are a consequence of starting to walk correctly rather than compensating for a bad hip. If I'm still getting twinges in a few months, I may be more concerned but at this point, I'm not worried.

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    Your body is doing a lot of adjusting and your "good" side has done a lot of the heavy lifting, so to speak. It could be that the adjusting is still going on.

    Pain in your groin could mean you'll need another hip-op., but fingers crossed that's way in the future!

    BTW my fingers are well and truly crossed!🤞

  • Newyear
    Newyear Member Posts: 20

    Thanks fo replies! Well my new hip is amazing! Got back to normal ie work and taking dog out. Then started to get back ache quite badly. 3 months after hip replacement fell down the stairs! Was morning of my 3 month check on new hip! Anyway no damage to new hip!!! Oh I’m so grateful as was a bad fall. Anyway the Arthur’s left hip had gone from mild. Moderate in a matter of weeks and I’m in agony! Femoral head collapsed.Hospital told me had deteriorated very badly even since last x ray 5 wks previously! Needing a hip replacement ASAP on list but need see another triage to get funding agreed. Anyway was told it’s urgent. Called hospital to be told by a very rude unsympathetic admin woman “yes your on the list but looking at another year at least” I tried to explain that the Dr at hospital was told by one of the surgeons who checked cray to “ get this lady on list asap” anyway have the triage appointment on 25th march thank god. I don’t understand why or how it has deteriorated so fast that I’m now on morphine.Any ideas/advice /info would be greatly received as I’m so mentally defeated at the moment crying most days ☹️

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 347

    I hope you have your hip replaced asap. Good luck!