Advice on work and PIP for my mum

Hello everyone.

I've not long turned 40 and having a lot of pain in my right hip, I'm having an xray at the end of the month, however my pain is bearable at the minute so this is more to get some advice for my mum.

My mum has had issues with her legs / hip / sciatica for years however she has a high pain threshold, unlike me, and just got on with it. Until a couple of months ago when for the first time in 15 years she rang in work sick, she works in a local well known chain convenience store.

She had an xray which showed arthritis in her hip and spine. She's also been suffering with what she describes as electric shock like feelings in her legs which the gp says is sciatica. She's currently on her 5th week off work sick and waiting for an appointment with the physio through the NHS. Should her work be offering some sort of referral to occupational health?

My mum is 64 and has 10 months until her state pension, she doesn't have a lot of money so giving up work before then would be difficult, it would also be difficult mentally. I want to be able to help her and appreciate any aadvice. Is it worth going to a private physio, also I'm not sure this would be affordable. I've seen some information on PIP but I'm not sure she would be eligible for this as she cope's just about at the minute but like I say she is a very strong women so probably downplaying it a lot.



  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 480

    I'm so sorry to hear about both of you. I think your mum is eligible to get PIP, why not? PIP is not a pension or a big allowance. It's a payment to help people to be more independent, maybe to pay a physio or anything that can help to get a better life quality. When I applied I didn't have much hope. I've heard they use to reject all applications but, surprisingly, they've awarded me. Also she can get a bus pass so she'd be able to travel in public transport. She can apply for a blue badge too. She has to tell them the truth about how she feels in her worst days of pain and flares and submit every report from doctors, GP, consultants, xray specialists. If she applies online, she can keep submitting every new report or information during the process. Every report submitted and honest answers, so they don't have to stop her application because the lack of information. Good luck

  • PIP

    you can apply for pip on line or phone for the forms, it's not mean tested, it's to help people who struggle with health issues. When filling in the forms write it as the issue affects your day to day living and mobility.

    Good luck


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 485

    Hello @josie83 and welcome to the online community.

    Sorry to hear concerns regarding your mother, I would advise you to contact your local Welfare Rights team and discuss your situation with them they will support you through the claim process.

    They helped me as I was in touch much pain and brain fog to sort out at the time.

    The following link may help to...

    Keep posting sure the community will support you.

    Best Wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • lynnyh
    lynnyh Member Posts: 17

    Absolutely your lovely mum should get PIP. I’d heard lots of negativity around PIP payments but I thought ‘what have I got to lose?’ It’s a non means tested payment too so is not affected by income or savings. Your mum needs to be less stoic I’m afraid and be totally honest about her worst days. If those outweigh the good then she is certainly eligible. I spoke with a lovely lady at versus arthritis about it before I applied so might be worth giving them a call. If your mum is awarded points in the mobility component (I think the magic number is 8 but please don’t quote me) then she will also be automatically entitled to a blue badge and a disabled free bus pass. I have both. It is payed into your Mums account every 4 weeks and for me was a game changer. I too am 64 (65 in March) and this PIP will see me through my hip replacement recovery and up to claiming my state pension at 66. There is an obligation to declare if your circumstances improve such that you don’t need it, but sounds very much like your mum does and will need it. Not a kings ransom but it’s not an amount to be sniffed at either. Good luck!