THR finally done Day 1 11th jan



  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 631

    @Shellbeth great to hear you've graduated to an arm chair - well done! 👏 👏👏 Just think of the progress the next week will bring!

  • sheona
    sheona Member Posts: 1

    Thank you all for your posts. I am waiting for hip replacement but haven’t got my pre op until end of the month and even then scheduler has told me it could be the summer. Too much time for those thoughts and fears to run around in my head so it is so reassuring to read your posts.

  • Shellbeth
    Shellbeth Member Posts: 15

    Hi @sheona

    Thanks for your kind comments. I'm glad that my account of THR might help you cope with any worries you have....

    The wait and catastrophising (in my case) really are the worst bit ....your own mind is not always particularly helpful or reassuring! Once the time for surgery arrives it is all over in a flash . Quite surreal really !

    Of course the recovery is tiring , and there is the anticipated pain (managed with pain relief) but I'm focusing on all the things it will mean I can finally do again in the near future ..... arthritis robs you of so many things that others take for granted.

    Great news you have a date for your preop.... thats a big step to tick off the list and means things are moving forward for you.

    Is there anything particular that you are worried about ? Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions.
