

I realise this will not be available to everybody but I found that 10 mins in the bubbling jacuzzi at 39 degrees in my local health club is magical at easing all over pain and stiffness from RA, lasts for a good few hours.


  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    A hotel I stayed at had one and I completely agree! it was magic. Unfortunately all the cuts/closures of leisure centres owing to extremely short term Gov policies, mean that most people don't have access.

    Unfortunately the emphasis in this country is on curative, rather than preventative, medical intervention.

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,483

    If I can get in and out a hot bath can do me the world of good too funnily enough more for the OA parts than the inflammatory parts. Bliss.....