Week 3 post left Hip replacement

So I had my hip replacement 3 weeks ago at the ripe old age of 40. Having taken my bandage off from my incision area yesterday the wound is healing well but I have noticed an area towards the top that the skin is not as enclosed almost like the dissolvable stitches came out to soon after surgery, don't get me wrong it's healing but there is an area currently that isn't as enclosed or flat as the rest of the stitched wound,does anyone have any experience with this? Is this normal? I had my operation at the spire in Bristol as an NHS patient.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,757

    Well @JonnyBravo

    Well done on your successful surgery. Welcome to the online community.

    We have quite a few members here who are at a similar stage in their recovery as you so I will will 'call them' now by putting an @ in front of their names. Hopefully one of them will see an email linking them to this post and be able to share their experience.

    @Janlyn @Nurina @swimmer60 can you help @JonnyBravo ?

    Thank you

    and best of luck


  • Denis68
    Denis68 Member Posts: 60

    Hi @JonnyBravo I had my left hip Op just over five weeks ago and can't say I've had any issues. I've had the dressing changed weekly by the nurse at my GP and she's been happy with progress. I would say the wound doesn't look perfectly flat and smooth but if the nurse's happy I'm ok with that

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 500

    @JonnyBravo Hello and welcome - it's good to hear you've had your hip replacement. Mine is my left hip too and I'm five and a half weeks now.

    I do think if you have any queries at all it is probably best to call your hospital - were you given a specific number for wounds and dressings enquiries? Better safe than sorry and the last thing you want is to be worrying unnecessarily. I was definitely told they would rather know and reassure than risk any infection or problems by leaving it too long.

    I did notice my top and bottom stitch were, and are, more lumpy/bumpy than those in the middle. I googled for photos - a bit gruesome - but it did seem to show this was common and some of the information talked about the lumpy/bumpiness settling down in time or with massage when the wound is completely healed.

    Coincidentally I called my hospital this morning because I had a questionnaire asking was my wound completely healed, if not I had a whole list of questions to answer. I have been really happy with how mine has been healing apart from the bottom stitch which isn't properly healed yet and it's a little red - maybe it's been catching on my clothes as I walk, but at nearly six weeks I thought maybe I should check. The nurse I spoke to is checking with my consultant to see whether he wants them to look at it but she did say I was right to call with any concerns. It's something we do rarely but they see day in/day out.

    Hope this helps a little?

  • swimmer60
    swimmer60 Member Posts: 202


    I'd get it checked out either by ringing the clinic as Janlyn suggests, or seeing the Nurse Practitioner at your GP practise.

    I didn't have that but I did have a stitch trying to escape. Went back and got it snipped off and a new plaster. It's still slightly visible and slightly raised but I am assuming it will disappear eventually.

    Don't spend time worrying, get checked! 😘

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 374
    edited 23. Jan 2024, 17:32

    I've had my staples removed this morning, in my opinion too soon, just 11 days from my surgery. The nurse put some stery strips on places that weren't fully closed and covered with a big plaster. I hope it helps.