Metojet Pen

Hi all.

I have been using Metojet Pen for my MTX for several years now and have had no issues using it. More recently they sent me Methofill. I've never been shown how to administer so watched a video. Anyway I did not realise that I would feel the needle as I was slowly pushing down. I have a phobia of needles and instantly felt sick and so pulled it out and had most of the MTX on my skin. I did try again the following week but again I couldn't do it. Has anyone else had Metojet pens for years and now being sent different ones? I am currently trying to get it resolved so I get Metojet in future but would be interested to know. Is Methofill a cheaper brand?


  • Hi Gg

    I just googled this and it looks like you're not alone. As other people have had their prescriptions changed too.

    Yes, it's a cheaper brand. Not sure if you're UK based. As the NHS saved millions, last year by not prescribing biological injections to new suffers. However, they shouldn't be able to change what you're already using, as a result. So make sure your Rheumatologist knows you don't want to change brands.

    Good luck 🤞

  • Gadgetgirl
    Gadgetgirl Member Posts: 54

    Thank you FP. I just googled as well. So wrong. I have spoken to my GP who has amended my prescription to say Metojet so fingers crossed