Osteoarthritis of the Spine

Hello everyone. I've recently been diagnosed with osteoarthritis of the spine, from the left side of my neck to my pelvis, after having an MRI. Previously, I've had a fall, which led to me having intermittent lower back pain. Recently, I had another fall, which injured the left side of my upper back, left arm, and left hand. The pain has been constant with pins and needles as a last symptom. I've been prescribed amytriptaline, which is a good support and enables me to sleep at night. I'm having my first hospital appointment with the spinal department next month, and need to know what to expect and how I can live with this condition. I've changed the type of work that I do, more of a desk based job. I've also been told that my nerves are being pressed due to the fall. I've just turned 60 years of age.
