Arthritis or Fibromyalgia

I've recently been given Naproxen and then Etoricoxib for my arthritis pain but found no relief from Naproxen, and a week in to taking the Etoricoxib, no joy with that either. I'm convinced there is something more going on than arthritis. Mine was simply diagnosed by a First Contact Practitioner - I've never been sent for X-Rays or scans. My daughter was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 3 years ago and is convinced I've had it for ages - I have had anxiety for 30+ years so don't tend to go to the doctors if I can help it, as I'm phobic about all things medical. My query is, if I do have arthritis, should the NSAID's be helping? If they are not, does this suggest a mis-diagnosis, or should I go back yet again and ask for some other form of pain relief? I feel like a guinea pig and because my mobility is so limited now, I just want something to take the edge off so I can get out the house. I've got co-codamol too and only take the bare minimum as the doctors say they wouldn't want me having them for more than 3 months. I'm just so fed up because nothing seems to be working and I'm just existing to sit in a chair working all day from home - when the weekend comes, there is nothing I can do because of the reduced mobility and pain...not much of an existence now ... Someone suggested I ask for Gabapentin, but not sure that is for this type of pain either??


  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,165

    Hi @cox1058

    if you are in pain, take the cocodamol!

    don’t worry about what the doctors say about it. They are under pressure from the government not to prescribe opioids.

    I was on the strongest cocodamol for 10 years for my arthritis pain. Then when then pain got really bad and I became intolerant of cocodamol went over to tramadol and I have been on that for 3 years now and have just been reviewed by my doctor and they have increased my quantity of pills each month.

    I also tried gabawhatsit and I didn’t get on with it.

    the naproxen will only work on pain caused by inflammation as far as I know

    see if the cocodamol can get your pain under control first. Then go back to the docs and ask for a proper consultation and diagnosis.

    i hope this helps. It’s all just my opinion and i am not a doctor so take it or leave it, but what I can say for 100% certainty is that once the pain is controlled, be it arthritis or fibromyalgia, you will be able to think a lot clearer and be able to tackle the problem a lot better.

    take care.

  • Rosie14
    Rosie14 Member Posts: 5

    Just my opinion of course. I have had arthritis for many years originally just hands. Also hip.I do know that a proper diagnosis is essential so x_ray needed.You need to know what type of arthritis you have,so you get right medication ,and perhaps physio.? Movement/excercise can be helpful. Return to your doctor for referral to orthopaedics.All this takes time I know because of our run down NHS.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,887

    Good morning @cox1058

    Just in case it helps here is some information about Gabapentin:

    For some people it can be very effective.

    I suggest you do try to see your GP if you can, perhaps taking your daughter with you for support. I really sounds as though your pain is not under control and you could do with some help.

    Best wishes


  • cox1058
    cox1058 Member Posts: 35

    @Skinny Keef Thank you - yes, I do find the Co-codamol helps but was concerned if I carry on taking it and then they won't re-issue it to me, I will be scuppered! I know someone who has been taking it for arthritis for 40 years and she is now in her 80's, but I suppose it all depends on what sort of a doctor you have. I asked for Tramadol but they won't prescribe it in this neck of the woods. It's such a pain - literally! I know I am overweight, and that has been an ongoing battle since being born at 9lbs 12oz lol, and now I am nearly 60, I do genuinely feel I have been written off. I used to walk 8 miles daily with my dogs, and now I can just about manage to get to the end of the drive to take my bin out!

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,165

    I don’t think they would refuse you point blank for a repeat prescription as you are not supposed to stop taking it without a tail off for withdrawal purposes.

    maybe speak to them and voice your concerns before you run out and tell them that you will need a repeat prescription because it’s the only way you can control your pain.

    what strength cocodamol are you on?

  • cox1058
    cox1058 Member Posts: 35

    @Skinny Keef It's the 500/30 dose - they've said I can have 2 tablets up to 4 times a day but I've only ever had 3 max in a day as they can make me feel drowsy, so depends on what my day entails as to whether I can really have them. They just said we wouldn't want you on them for more than 3 months - maybe they meant at the max dosage though? I will check, as to be honest, they seem to have more effect than these NSAID's are having. That's what makes me doubt it's even arthritis at all. I can see that my joints are not swollen and the pain is more widespread than just my knee or hip for me it feels more muscular, but if the doctors can't get it right, what chance do I have lol?

  • Skinny Keef
    Skinny Keef Member Posts: 1,165

    i think they were the ones i was on. Either 30 or 50 which ever was the strongest they do, i think that is 30.

    so what happens in 3 months time when you are still in pain? This needs to be addressed with the doctor. They shouldn’t set these unrealistic targets. Like i said before they are under a lot of pressure not to prescribe opioid pain killers, but it’s the only thing that works a lot of the time.

    i spoke to the pharmacist at my surgery about the dose. He said absolutely no point in taking just one at a time if it doesn’t stop the pain and trying to get by on one pill instead of two, and to keep them topped up every 4 to 6 hours and not to wait for the pain to come back. I have cut down recently but only because i have the naproxen as well now since my inflammatory diagnosis to go with the osteo 🙄

    anyway i hope you get the pain under control and get the docs to do a proper diagnosis. I wish you all the very best. 😁