Best remedy for constipation caused by co-codamol?

Because my arthritic knee is so painful, (I'll be having an x-ray in 10 days), I'm following my GP's instructions and taking four 30/500 co-codamol daily. However this has made me constipated.

I already have docusate on my repeat prescription and the prescription was to take one a day if needed. It's been on my repeat for quite a long time and I haven 't needed it because I take a sachet of Laxido every other day. This was prescribed by the gynaecologist because I have a prolapse.

Obviously, I need to up the dose on one of these to counter the effects of the co-codamol. Can others tell me what they take, please? I've also upped my water intake.


  • Mollbhan
    Mollbhan Member Posts: 23

    I had a similar problem, I found a bedtime drink with two large teaspoons of psyllium husks and one of inulin in it worked wonders, also consume a lot of greek yogurt, helps digestion.

  • jamieA
    jamieA Member Posts: 813

    Hi @Megrose489

    During the first year after my psoriatic arthritis was diagnosed while the doctors were trying to get a working medication I was on high strength co-codamol and other opiods. I was prescribed Laxido twice a day which certainly worked for me.

  • veryaraf
    veryaraf Member Posts: 41

    Hi, I take magnesium tablets. When we were children years ago, milk of magnesia was used for constipation and syrup of figs. 🙂

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,873

    I have used sun-sweet prune juice natural better than medication for me and mine. It is actually quite tasty too. Once things are under control a very small glass a day will keep things ticking over as they should.

  • Megrose489
    Megrose489 Member Posts: 780
    edited 25. Feb 2024, 10:43

    Thank you so much for your helpful replies. I really like the sound of sun-sweet prune juice.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    I always use ready to eat prunes. Much more palatable then the tinned ones we were served up with school dinners. 4/5 in the morning usually do the trick.

  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 415

    Afternoon @Megrose489

    My doctor prescribed me Lactulose which taken twice daily helps 🙌

    Maybe worth asking for to try as I know everyone is different.

    Good luck anyway


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  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @Megrose489

    I always stick with good old fashioned prunes. You can get ready to eat packets that are quite palatable unlike the tinned ones us if a certain age will remember in our rice or semolina pudding from school dinner days!

    Start with maybe three or four in the morning over breakfast and see how you get on

    Trish xx

  • Isla
    Isla Member Posts: 3


    I am on Co-codamol for OA in my knees and find that a couple of squares of really dark chocolate in the evening keep things regular for me

    and plenty of fluid during the day.

    all the best Isla

  • lynnyh
    lynnyh Member Posts: 17

    I used Movicol. Found it very effective. Not cheap but worth it.

  • Splodge
    Splodge Member Posts: 14

    Blackberries, Ryvita, sweetcorn, baked potatoes, baked beans, a curry, a chilli. I was bunged up badly once - but a week with this diet slowly eased it. Or Andrews Liver Salts, maybe.

  • Splodge
    Splodge Member Posts: 14

    Re: constipation: I worked briefly for a pharmaceutical company marketing department, marketing a big brand of laxative. I did suggest 'take this stuff when the bottom has fallen out of your world. The world will then fall out of your bottom'. But they didn't go with it. It's an old joke anyway.

  • Megrose489
    Megrose489 Member Posts: 780
    edited 15. Mar 2024, 15:54

    Thank you, you've all been really helpful. The flareup of my knee has eased somewhat, so, thankfully, I'm not having to take the Co-codamol and am managing with paracetamol now. I'm trying to drink more during the day, but I also like the idea of the squares of dark chocolate, Isla. Love the joke, Splodge - I can't think why the company didn't go with it! Thanks again, all - much appreciated.

  • Vinnymon
    Vinnymon Member Posts: 18

    I am prone to constipation and so have tried everything over the years. Prunes, wholemeal bread, baked beans, all bran etc-you name it. All the usual suspects. Nothing really worked.

    The only thing that works for me, even on codeine, is chia seeds. So you need a couple of tablespoons at least. I stir them into yoghurt which then becomes quite solid.The person who told me about them puts them in muesli or porridge. You need to drink as much water as you can. Regard it as medicine rather than food. it’s ok but not particularly delicious but if none of previous suggestions do the trick, this definitely will.

  • Have you thought of trying alternative pain relief ?? I have a tens machine which helps me with my knee pain especially during the day (and night ) when i try to keep the codiene to the very minimum due to the constipation problem 😊

  • Megrose489
    Megrose489 Member Posts: 780

    I can't believe I had forgotten about a Tens machine when I was in so much pain a few weeks ago. Thank you for reminding me, Lindahippy, I'm definitely going to look into getting one.

  • JPT
    JPT Member Posts: 171

    Lactulose is really helping me at the moment, 10-15ml 2 x per day

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @lynnyh

    My late mum was prescribed this, only had it for a few weeks as it was awful. Worse than exploding babies nappies so I got her gp to prescribe something else
