Evening flare ups

Why does my rheumatoid arthritis seem to flare up as soon as I stop moving for the day. I can be fine all day and then every single evening without fail my joints start shutting down and I'm in so much pain. Even just general non strenuous everyday activities have me in excruciating pain every evening.


  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 239

    Hello @coleyp that used to happen to my father. Whilst he was active he was OK but as soon as he stopped then the pain started. I think it is a case of keeping doing some gentle exercises even when you are seated. A few stretches etc. Anything to keep the joints mobile.

  • mosborn11
    mosborn11 Member Posts: 49

    This is the same for me! I think tiredness makes a big difference to pain in general