OA Neck back and knees

Hello 👋 everyone I'm a noobie here😅 so not sure how it works. I'm just navigating my way around this site. Hope everyone is OK dispite what seems to be are common denominator we all have daily pain and its crap. Just thought I'd see if anyone can relate to my situation. My names Terry I'm 45 and my daily routine is meds sleep pain meds sleep pain repeat. After lots and lots of tests ect it seems I have osteoarthritis in my neck lower back and both knees .😕 no cartilage left in my knees. I need two shinny new ones but sadly I'm to fat so currently waiting for a gastric band to drop 6 stone before they will even entertain surgery. My mobility in the last 18months has basically deteriorated to the point I have a chair on wheels to get around my home cooking wsshing ect also have crutches and i bought a wheelchair just incase i actually except i need it i feel about 90 so best face up to it i guess. I didn't think I'd be in this situation 18months ago I was just working as a chef and thought pain was normal turns out I was very wrong. I have two teenage daughters so I still need to be dad also quickly adapting to life best I can its very scary even for a big bear like me. As I'm newly divorced also and don't have my kids all the time. I'm losing my mind with all the meds and life is getting harder rapidly. I'm seeking out people who can relate to stop me going mad 😅


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,879

    Hello @hugsT34 welcome to the online community.

    What a lot of change you have had to go through recently. Discovering you have a lot of Osteoarthritis (OA) in your back neck and knees requiring surgery. In addition you are recently divorced and not able to work. In spite of this you do sound to be a very positive person which will stand you in good stead while you work your way through all you have ahead of you.

    Life can indeed be quite scary, but it does help to come somewhere like this where other people have trodden the same path or are on it with you.

    Has anyone given you any information about Osteoarthritis of the knees?

    I particularly recommend you looking at the exercise link in the section 'managing arthritis of the knee'.

    I know a few of our members have had knee surgery so they might be able to give you some tips to start mentally preparing yourself @Chris1 is one, but there are others.

    Do have a good look around the site and join in wherever you feel comfortable everyone is very supportive and welcoming.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,144

    Well this is how it works @hugsT34 I am very pleased to meet you.

    Sounds as though you are doing very well to keep so positive with such a lot going on health-wise and a recent divorce too.

    Use the wheelchair do not be proud. Getting out and about is more important than anything. I'm glad you have your daughters I'm sure they will want to help in any way they can. In exchange for some chef coked food I bet!

    Any timeline for the gastric band operation?

    I hope you'll decide to stick around and join in everyone is lovely here.

    Take care
