Finger joint replacement

FunkyFingers Member Posts: 4
edited 13. Nov 2024, 14:34 in Living with arthritis

Hi I have had my right index finger joint replaced a week ago , today the dressings came off . The finger looks like Frankenstein’s monsters hand!! Any other people out there who have had finger joint replacement?? For anyone interested I have attached a before and after photo


  • Rosie14
    Rosie14 Member Posts: 5

    Hi FunkyFingers

    My fingers very similar to yours! I had my left index joint replaced with a fixed joint (ie cannot bend)20 years ago when I was about 50.(osteoarthritis) I know the consultant was reluctant but the disability was making working life difficult. Swelling and pain is normal and from the picture looks like it's healing ok It does take tIme. I was off work 10 weeks..Surprising how painful a finger joint replacement is when healing ! I am sure you will be fine though.

  • Aww thank you, it’s so funny to see a straight again! I am 50 years old and yes working is becoming very difficult and fiddly as I am a nurse. I am signed off for 6 weeks at the moment so will see how it goes .

    I have never met anybody else as young as me with such bad hands, he wanted to do 2 joints but I was too nervous so we just did the one so I may need more surgery in the future but it will hopefully get me through for now , fingers crossed 🤞🏻 Even tho I can’t actually do this at the moment!!! X

  • Rosie14
    Rosie14 Member Posts: 5

    Such a similar story to mine. I was a nurse too. Tricky doing medication, opening bottles etc.Although I did suffer with pain ,and all fingers and thumb joints swollen and disfigured now, I have little pain now compared to how it was .Also I have adapted how I do things , but am clumsy ..always dropping things! You may find your index finger op will be enough to cope. I did.Good luck.

  • Lopati
    Lopati Member Posts: 7

    hi everyone. I’m waiting for a date for my left index and ring finger replacements. I’m going for 2 together for a few reasons - so I have less time off in theory - because they’re worsening rapidly - to just get it over with in terms of the pain/rehab etc.

    I’m a nurse too - I can relate to the clumsy comment. Ampoules are the worse! I’m trying to be pragmatic about it all. I’m more scared of my increasing loss of function than the op itself. So good to see your before and after photos. I think it looks really good post op. I’d love to see what the function is like 8 months on?
    I hope your rehab has been ok?

  • Lopati
    Lopati Member Posts: 7

    pre op photo