Recent diagnoses

Hi I’ve recently been diagnosed with rhuematoid arthritis. I also have osteoarthritis

I fist went to doctors because I was suffering with awful fatigue and painful muscle and joints

the rheumatologist also said I test for scleroderma another autoimmune disease for which I’m waiting to see a specialist

although I suffer with fatigue intermittently and have joint and muscle pain mainly in my thumbs and knee , the rheumatologist says this is osteoarthritis, I feel am I in denial about the rheumatoid arthritis as I do not feel I am systematic

I don’t feel very supported or that things have been explained to me. The rheumatologist just gives me leaflets and fires questions at me at appointments

i did try sulfasalazine on 2 occasions but it made me feel so ill. The fatigue became so bad I was in pain with my muscles, had broken sleep and was up 3 or 4 times a night passing urine and had awful nightmares.

the rheumatologist said my symptoms were not usual symptoms and made me feel I just just keep taking it as due to a underlying heart condition he said it’s the safest medication for me to try and he stressed I will just become worse over time if I don’t have medication

for my own wellbeing I have stopped taking the sulfasalazine as I got to the point it was affecting my mental health as well as the physical side effects it had on me. I started getting really low in mood and thinking if this is how the rest of my life is going to be I don’t want to be here anymore. I am 60 this year and until last year was fit and active but now I do struggle with work and home life due to pain in my hands and the fatigue is quite debilitating I feel so tired all the time l.

im due to see rheumatologist again next month to see if I want to recommence the sulfasalazine . I really don’t it’s causing me anxiety even thinking about it . I’ve tried it twice now and managed 5 weeks but just could not cope with how it made me feel .

My question really is has anyone else felt this way on medication and also I don’t think other than the awful fatigue I am symptomatic with rhuematoid arthritis am I being silly not taking the medication ?
