Gout pain

Hi everyone. I got diagnosed with gout in my pinky toes last week. The pain started in my right toe at the beginning of January. I have been taking ibuprofen for the inflammation for about 8 days now. Advise suggests that anti inflamitories usually clear gout up after about 5 days of use. My pain has reduced but not cleared completely. Is this normal?


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,841

    Morning @Crochetgeek1 Nice to meet you and welcome you to the online community.

    Gout is a very painful condition indeed.

    Have you read this information?

    There are other treatment options available for severe bouts of gout you'll read about them in the article. If yours persists you can always return to your GP or consultant for further advice.

    Best wishes


  • debster
    debster Member Posts: 16

    Hi, my husband saw the gp last week and was diagnosed with gout, mainly in his big toe, he was in terrible pain. He couldn't take ibuprofen due to a past history of ulcers. The gp prescribed a 2 week course of colchicine, you have to come off statins if u take them for the 2 weeks. These break up the crystals, he's much better. When the 2 weeks is up and hopefully it's completely better he has to have blood tests for his uric acid levels and discuss if needed long term medication ( allopurinol) I hope this helps, maybe contact your gp again.

  • mellman01
    mellman01 Member Posts: 5,306

    I have had gout for 30 years and was on a daily dose of Allopurinol but the gout went away for a few years then started up again and I didn't want to go back on daily mediation so I did some digging about on the internet and came upon Montmorency Cherry so decided to give it a go and it worked very well, I actually only take it when I start noticing discomfort so I don't need to take it all the time.