New to online community

Hello, I dont usually get involved in online communities as I feel I have nothing to complain about when I see other stories, however I am really struggling at the moment and am looking for some help. I was first diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my early 20s, by a Rhuematologist who told me 'just get on with it', I received a work related injury as well, but at that time there was no facility to report these, it happened because of 'that is just a part of the job'. I continued working for a total of 43 years. (I was a nurse), over time the symptoms got worse and had some visits to orhopaedics, I was told at one visit that the damage to one of my knees is 'because of being a nurse for 21 years' at that time. In 2022 I decided that I could no longer work, and retired from the NHS, I did a desk job for the following year, but gave that up because of increasing pain. I currently live on my work place pension (I am lucky enough to be able to do this). I was seen last year by a team of physios who are the only ones allowed to refer you to orthopaedics and was told that the damage to my knees, and hip was not bad enough to be referred. I have had my pain relief stopped 3 times over the past 2 years by my GP surgery, as I 'will get addicted' but never given anything in its place. I have been to the pain clinic last year, in September, he recommended a change of treatment and he was going to refer me to Orthopaedics, I spoke to them again in January and was told they would let the GP know a further change of treatment and they would need to refer me to the hospital. I am still waiting for a referral, and now have so many symptoms in one shoulder I am afraid I am going to use the use of my arm as the nerve feels 'stunned' and have referred myself back to physio, I no longer know what to do as I know I am going to be told the damage is not bad enough to be referred. I am now trying mindfulness techniques and wondering has anyone had any positive/negative results. Thank you for your help
