Additional pain

The arthritic pain in my hips and knees is now helped by gabapentin, which seems to have caused my to gain weight, but rant that I am no longer dependent on co-codamol.

However this last couple of weeks I've experienced a sharp, twisting pain than shoots down from the groin, as if a nerve has been caught up. The pain goes slowly down the inside of my thigh to the knee and then repeats the twisting to go down the front of the shin. This only happens on the right. I have to stand and wait for the pain to dissipate before I can move.

Is this typical of arthritis, or likely to be independent nerve pain? Does anyone have any ideas on this? My GP surgery only offers more painkillers when I speak to them.


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,150

    Many people here do complain of groin pain when their hip has arthritis in it.

    I'd insist on a face to face with my Dr and take my husband with me for support.

    Good luck

    Toni x