Methotrexate injection, sickness

Been on methotrexate for years first tablets then injection, I never had any side effects on 20mg. In 2021 we moved area and the new consultant put me down to 15 resulting in a flare about six weeks later, they then out me back to 20mg and it made me feel so ill, felt so sick and headaches. So was taken off long story short I'm now back on it, had two weeks at 15ml, not so bad side effects now on week two of 20ml, back to the old side effects. (Apologies for long post)

Does anyone get these with the injections? And what have they tried to help it, currently tried after dinner, drinking more water plus folic acid daily, not on injection day.


  • Naomi33
    Naomi33 Moderator Posts: 470

    Hello @Hazelbrown1964 sorry to hear your concerns.

    I would personally get back in touch with your doctor or consultant to discuss.

    I am awaiting Methotrexate injections and was given the following links to read still unsure what to do....

    I am sure others with similar issues will connect with you soon.

    Best wishes @Naomi33

    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • @Hazelbrown1964 I couldn't get on with mtx, I had the tablets which where horrendous then the inj.

    I had to stop after 5 months as the vomiting and nausea was out of control. I ended up with blood in vomit and urine.

    I tried the higher dose for my joints but even just moving from 12.5 to 15mg OMG. I've never felt so unwell. I would rather be dead than live with the drug every week!

    I also found the folic acid made it worse, which my rheumatology team didn't believe me

    Hope u feel better soon.

  • Oh my sorry to hear that. It's a shame it's such a brilliant drug for the arthritis itself.

    I thought it was just me, as the rhumatology doc was shocked the the injection's making me poorly.

    Hope you're on something that suits you more. Thank you

  • ElsieBoo
    ElsieBoo Member Posts: 5

    I started with Methotrexate tablets 25mg - this made me ill with nausea and vomiting. I was prescribed antiemetics, which helped. I later decided to try the injection route, and this wasn't very good. I had to have a sick bag with me constantly; even now, I'm nauseous just thinking about it. Luckily, my RA quietened down, and my drugs were slowly reduced. I can manage as long as I take them with food and last thing at night to sleep through the sickness.