Trapeziectomy Recovery

Hi, can I just ask if anyone else experienced finger pain and stiffness with this operation. Hand and thumb are definitely improving but fingers are stiff/slightly swollen and sore especially first thing in the morning but mainly all day unless using them. I am now nearly 9 weeks post op. Did you experience these @Trish9556 and @Hellesbelles ?

Additionally, the physio mentioned that I might (might) have the start of dupuytren’s as I have a small nodule on my index finger and two cord type lumps near my thumb on my palm. She wasn’t sure if it was that or part of the healing from surgery. Again, did anyone experience anything like this or strange things when your hand was regaining strength. My palm lines are still very red and hand a different colour to my non operated hand although the physio didn’t seem too concerned. Any info would be most appreciated


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @Zuccho77

    You're still in the early days of recovery, even after 9 weeks, and you'll still experience aches, pains and swelling. Could even be something as simple as being a side sleeper with your hand under your head will cause discomfort, I know mine does. Keep up with the exercises and hand therapy and before you know it you'll realise that you're not in any pain and you hadn't noticed it.

    I also have had lumps and bumps in my hand since before I had the surgery and nothing has changed with them and it's now 4 years so don't panic or worry about them - if you are however, speak to your GP to put your mind at rest.

    Are your hands cold? If they are, that could explain the redness and a pair of gloves or some hot hands would help.

    Keep up with the good work :)

    trish x

  • I have some unexplained bumps on my left palm following my surgery 5 years ago, and am still experiencing quite a lot of pain with my r/h even after 17 weeks.

    I find if I don't support my wrist overnight with a pillow, I have difficulty with movement in my wrist for at least couple of hours after I wake.

    I have a swelling on my r/hand which is very noticeable, and my surgeon says this should become less noticeable over time.

    I have also noticed that if my hand gets cold, the pain in the thumb can be excruciating, so I find a pair of fingerless gloves helps.

    Keep up with the excercises, they really do help

    Helen x

  • Zuccho77
    Zuccho77 Member Posts: 13

    Thank you both for your advice. The hand itself is much better and I notice improvement every day. The physio has told me to go ahead and use keys (twisting), write as much as I can (pinching) and pretty much do anything except heavy lifting. They told me to use a peg and repeatedly pinch it as well as use putty. Tried a few things and yeah it’s uncomfortable at first but I can feel the strength literally coming back after each activity so that’s good.

    Thank you for explaining about it being early days. The hand tbh feels pretty good except the occasional pain in the scar area and around the bottom of scar in the wrist. I am hoping that the stiffness and pain in my fingers will improve as the strength returns with using the putty etc.

    I suppose I am just going to have to wait and see regarding the bumps etc and see how they play out but it’s reassuring that it seems relatively normal following surgery.

    Did you both @Hellesbelles @Trish experience pain in the area where you had it before surgery (trapezium) even after surgery weeks later? I find that that is where mine is but maybe a different sensation and slightly higher. I guess that this is normal and will subside in time? Did yours both follow that pattern?

    Thank you so much for both of your responses. It’s very much appreciated.

  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @Zuccho77

    You're still in the early days of recovery and you will still experience pain where you had pain's because it's healing! The pain will and you won't even realise that it's no longer hurting.

    Keep up with the exercises - picking up buttons or small coins off of a table is a good movement too just using your thumb and forefinger.

    Keep up the good work


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @Zuccho77

    I forgot to suggest jigsaws. They're very good for hand therapy. Also very relaxing unless you're doing a puzzle full of tiggers!! only took me a month lol

    Trish xx

  • Zuccho77
    Zuccho77 Member Posts: 13

    Thank you @Trish9556 for your very good advice. To be honest, I can do a lot of things now which I am surprised at. The recovery speed at doing activities has shocked me at how quick I got the movement and strength back. I have done my exercises and massages religiously about 5 times a day though. I don’t think I’m doing too much as the physio said basically do everything except medium/heavy lifting. She said I could ride my bike, lift kettles, drive, turn keys, jars etc. so have followed what they said. I do have a bit more aches/pains but I presume this is a result of healing and using my hand more. I think the putty is helping the fingers regain strength too. I think I will miss out on the jigsaws however, I haven’t the patience to do stuff like that haha but a great suggestion. Once again many thanks for all your advice over the weeks, it is very much appreciated and hopefully anyone who searches in future for anything similar can take some solace from it too. Thanks 🙂