Looking to chat and share experiences

Hi everyone I've had OA for many years. I thought this site would be good to chat with others and share different experiences


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,782

    Hi @JoJo1967

    Welcome to the online community. I see you have had Osteoarthritis for many years so I expect you will have plenty of tips to share with our members as well as hopefully picking up some from them in return.

    Everyone here is very supportive and happy to chat if you have anything specific you'd like to discuss do ask.

    Otherwise just join in on any thread you are sure of a warm welcome.

    My best wishes


  • Good afternoon jojo1967

    I too have had osteoarthritis and now RA for many years !

    These days my bed is my best friend 😂

    I hope you are ok today ? Please bare with me as I've never been on a forum before so I have no idea what I'm doing !

    My Dr told me about this site so I hope to chat with others that understand.

    Poppyflower xx