First time applying for PIP

Hi everyone.

Hope everyone is doing ok.

I'm not sure why i'm writing this, maybe just to get it out of my head and as a bit of a release.

I have had Rheumatoid Arthritis since 2011, in my right knee, and offically diagnosed in 2012. I was placed on sulfasalazine, and was fine with this. End of 2022 i have had a massive flare up, and due to being let down by my then consultant, it has spread to pretty much everywhere in my body, and the nurse i see thinks i may have a touch of fibro.

I was placed on Methotrexate last summer, and it was speaking to a friend of mine who said i may be able to claim PIP. I applied in October. This has gone on for some time, due to them apparently swapping over from filling in paper forms to electronic forms, however, someone has looked at it and i have a face to face appointment on Wednesday.

I work full time, which involves travel, however, this has been impacted and i don't do as much as i once did. I am in pain constantly, i barely sleep, my mental health is shot to bits and the only time i can get some decent rest is after having a sports massage. Currently this is funded by my parents, which i pay back when i can, however, cost of living etc. are proving difficult.

I've supplied alot of evidence, but i suppose i am just starting to panic now abit about the meeting, and that they are just going to not award me it. My partner is unable to get time off work and none of my family or friends know the true extent of how it's affected me mentally, so don't really want to take anyone along with me.

I'm currently on Methotrexate, sulfaslazine, pregablin, amitripyline and sertraline along with codiene and naproxen for the pain as and when (which don't really touch the sides). I also get steroid injections and the latest was in January, which has not really helped. I'm also currently under a pain clinic, and getting hydrotheraphy which has been added since i applied. I also was awarded a blue badge in May last year.

I've got all my notes etc. printed off, but was basically just wanting some advice on what i can do when i'm in the meeting? Am i able to take notes, due to not having anyone there with me? I feel like the fact i'm working is going to go against me, however, i am unable to afford to give up work, even if they awarded me PIP.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,027

    Hi Buzz

    I'm doing ok thanks.

    Reading through your post I think that you are as prepared as anyone can possibly be. Gosh all your forms filled in, evidence supplied. Apart from taking someone with you which really is the best as they are your witness and can be a note taker. Of course you can take notes, but read this from Citizen's advice

    They say if you ask you should be able to take an audio recording.

    I do hope you get on ok. Chances are you will. Remember they are looking at what you can't do or need help with not so much diagnosis and/meds. Mobility - how far you can walk etc and will definitely be interested in how you got there. Like did you walk 1/2 a mile from a train station for example. How easily you stand up, sit down etc etc.

    Also from my own experience if they ask you to do anything silly like stand on tip toes (they did this to my daughter who at the time was unable to walk more than about 2 yards!) and you can't say so she had a go and fell over. She was 16 at the time weighed about 5 stone and had leukaemia. She got the full award btw.

    PIP is a non-contributory benefit payable to working age people like you. It's not relevant that you are working it's about help you need for your daily life.

    Do let us know how you get on and very best of luck.

    Toni x

  • Buzz10
    Buzz10 Member Posts: 25

    Hi Toni

    Thank you for responding!

    They called me yesterday and changed it to a telephone appointment, so not sure if this is better or not to be honest?

    I will have a look through the link you sent, thank you!

    And noted about what they may ask, especially in person. That is ridiculous they had your daughter doing that, surely from looking at her they would know. Sorry it was so rubbish.

    I will let you know how it goes though, trying not to panic, and just having to practice being honest as usually just say i'm ok.

    Thank you so much for your response :) x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,027

    I think telephone is far better they won't be looking at you walking sitting standing etc.

    Wishing you the very best of luck fingers 🤞 and hope it's not too long now before the appointment.

    Toni x

  • Buzz10
    Buzz10 Member Posts: 25

    Hi Toni :)

    Hope you are doing well.

    I had the appt last Wednesday and i was on for 1 hour 20 mins! Just a waiting game now, but was not as bad as i thought so fingers crossed.

    Thanks for your help with it :) x

  • Buzz10
    Buzz10 Member Posts: 25

    Hi Toni

    Just wanted to come back and thank you!! I was awarded PIP in April, and it is helping towards getting extra support. Thank you so much for responding to me way back in March. :) x

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,027

    That's wonderful news!!!!

    I'm so pleased for you @Buzz10 ☺️

    and thanks to you for remembering I 'helped' in such a minor way

    Toni x