Itchy skin

I have had consistent right hip pain since September. Had MRI showed lumber stenosis, herniated discs, spinal arthritis and degenerative changes to hip with multiple cysts. Main pain in buttock area. Had steriod injection in spine with no improvement (they thought pain was coming from spine). Have been seen by a hip surgeon who said I have dysplasia in both hips worse on right and will need a hip replacement. Along with hip pain I have developed itchy, burning,soles of feet, especially at night.

Is this a symptom of arthritis? can anyone suggest any medication which will help? I can't sleep with symptoms.


  • Loggiemod
    Loggiemod Member Posts: 240

    Hi @Norny have you talked to your GP about this? My wife has itchy skin at nights and was prescribed some stronger anti-histamines which help her. Might be worth seeing if you can get any help.

  • Norny
    Norny Member Posts: 64

    My daughter said that too. The GP said could be athlete's foot I used anti fungel cream for 6 weeks no improvement. Its driving me mad, my feet look as if someone took a blow torch to them.