Looking for a bit of positive guidance

Hey 😊

apologise if this one’s a bit of a downer, I am in a very negative mind set at the moment and could do with a bit of help.

I have posted once on here before quite a while ago.
Quick recap- names Kearan, 30 years old, fully qualified carpenter turned production manager due to health, I am currently searching for another job to get off the tools completely.
Diagnosed with bilateral perthies disease at 2 years old. Hip replacement at 28, right hip is currently on the waiting list to be done, then I thought that would be it, not cured as such but a better quality of life.

Around 7 weeks ago, I started getting a severe pain in my shoulder, didn’t think much of it until my partner started hearing it crack and grind. I guess we all know what that signifies. So docs sent me for an x ray and rightly so early stages of osteoarthritis in my right shoulder. Since then the pain has got considerably worse day by day. My job is overly active on a daily basis, I take vitamin d tablets and omega 3s

I am now at my wits end, I am literally going to work to put myself in a worse condition by the end of the day, it’s like a slow form of acute torture. It’s causing me anxiety and the feel of depression, jeez I feel like I just don’t want to fight this any longer. I just want to give up on life and be pain free.

All I see is pain for my whole life and it’s a really morbid realisation. Docs just throw pain killers at me, might as well be jelly tots (sweets) they don’t do a lot. I just don’t know what to do anymore.


  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,773

    Hi @kking93 welcome to the online community.

    I can certainly understand how you must feel at 30 when you had seen light at the end of the tunnel with the 2nd hip about to be 'sorted' and now the shoulder pain setting you back.

    You have come to the right place for some support and guidance from our members, but while you're waiting I am just going to add a couple of links which might be of interest to you:


    I'll leave you now to meet our members

    Best wishes


  • kking93
    kking93 Member Posts: 13

    Thank you Ellen 🙏

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,853

    Oh @kking93 Kearan this is tough you have so many years of work life ahead of you yet.

    Your post struck a chord with me as my youngest has had hip surgery and a shoulder replaced at 18 and 19 due to avascular necrosis. I believe it is very similar to perthes. Hers was due to steroids while on chemo and being 16 when starting treatment. Bad luck and timing for her.

    Now I hope I can cheer you up a bit. First of all are they doing anything to help you with that shoulder? Mild is good mild means you can do a lot yourself including exercise like Ellen has suggested. Some people have steroid injections into their shoulder joints too which can really help some people. Not everyone responds to this though. Some have physio too like the exercise the idea is to strengthen the muscles and ligaments to support the joint.

    You have done the right thing by modifying your work role to protect your hips and in the longer term may wish to look at things to rest the shoulder more. My daughter gave up hope of being a hairdresser. I was gutted for her, but your health is worth more.

    It is horrible to be working just to spend your days off recovering from pain many of us are or have been through this. Hopefully your hip op will happen very soon and you will be relieved of that dreadful pain.

    All being well it will be some long time before your shoulder deteriorates so far that it needs surgical intervention.

    Take care Kearan and keep posting.

  • Bettyboo22
    Bettyboo22 Member Posts: 23

    Hi @kking93

    Things sound hard for you, but don't lose hope. You've reached out on here and there are plenty of people on here that understand the struggle.

    You are doing the right things with your work and seeking medical support.

    You are only young you have plenty to fight for!! Have you tried contacting the Versus Arthritis Helpline? Freephone 0800 520 0520 they can be good for someone to talk to and they're open 9am - 6pm Monday to Friday.

    Please do keep posting

  • kking93
    kking93 Member Posts: 13

    @frogmorton I am so sorry to hear about your daughters ordeal. It must be very difficult for her at such a young age!
    There has always been strong research between the links of steroids and perthies. AVN is quite similar to perthies I believe you’re right.

    I am waiting on further appointments from the doctors as how quickly my pain in my shoulder has escalated has completely outweighed my hips so they believe I may have damaged the tendon. However due to my hips I know the difference between muscle and bone pain and my shoulder is definitely bone/joint related. I am doing my best to get out of such a manual job been for 8+ interviews now. I have a second stage interview on Thursday but it’s a 1.5 hour commute every morning Im just a bit dubious.

    I don’t know what more else to do, I’m going to give the exercises a go and hopefully it helps but I think my days of weight training and lifting sheets if wood are over.

  • kking93
    kking93 Member Posts: 13

    @Bettyboo22 thank you 🙏 I am trying, I just really thought my 30s were going to be easier and with less pain. I’ve just lost hope and slowly coming to the realisation that pain is a part of me.