
Hello all, just wanted to say Hi and hoping this will be a helpful community. Having had 2 partial knee replacements, I've now recently been diagnosed with arthritis in my hands and wrists. I'm finding it very frustrating as the weakness amd pain fluctuates day to day. I've bought some wrist supports and am taking cbd to help with pain. I'm absolutely convinced that a covid injection 18 months ago caused the hand problems as I have had no other issues apart from knees which were easily explained due to pronation and wear and tear. I literally went from having no hand issues to a month after having covid jab, having swollen finger joints and wrist pain which hasnt gone away! I've been tested for RA which was negative. Wondering if this is common after covid jab? I won't be having any more that's for sure! Any advice re managing hand pain and building strength in hands would be very welcome 😊
