What's the point?

I am really struggling right now. Physically and mentally. I do everything I can. Paracetamol, codeine, ibuprofen, heat, ice, gels, supplements, hot baths, physiotherapy, yoga. What else is left? I am never pain free. Never comfortable. Can't sit, can't stand. Is there anything I am not doing? Is this just how it is now for the rest of my life? I am 50 years old so that could be quite a long time.Do you ever feel like your Doctor isn't really helping? Or that they just want you to leave so they can get on with the next patient? I just feel like there is absolutely nothing to be done. I am incredibly unhappy. Any ideas?


  • CarylW
    CarylW Member Posts: 274

    Hello @Topher3121

    Pain is awful, and I am not surprised you are struggling and unhappy. Do you think you would be able to give our helpline a call? The number is below.

    You could also have a look at our website which has some suggestions for dealing with pain - one article is this - https://www.versusarthritis.org/about-arthritis/managing-symptoms/managing-your-pain/

    Whatever you do, please do keep posting here and I am sure our members will not only empathise, but be able to share tips from their own experiences.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? Call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    Hello @Topher3121 sorry to hear of your situation, it sounds as though your doctor is doing nothing to help you apart from fill you up with pills. You don't mention what you condition is or where it is but clearly you can't continue as you are. Assuming it's arthritis you must insist that your doctor sends you for x-rays to establish exactly what is going on, you can then establish what treatment would be best for you. If your doctor can't or won't you should ask to see another doctor or change your surgery. You really need to push forward with this you are entitled to proper care, you will feel so much better in yourself both mentally and physically. Take care, l hope you can make some progress with this and hopefully come back and tell us about it.

  • My condition is advanced osteoarthritis in my lower back, hips, and right foot and the beginnings of osteoarthritis in left shoulder, both knees and left ankle. I have had x-rays. No suggestions from Doctor for what else I can do beyond physio. I have had 3 courses of physio in 2 years and the first 2 were over the phone! I hate to complain but I feel truly lost

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    I've had a physio consultation over the phone, complete waste of time! I'm surprised that you haven't been referred for your hips, have you asked?

  • Welsh1
    Welsh1 Member Posts: 89

    I understand and hear you I am just coming out of a phase of seeing a round of medics not feeling well or listened too feeling low. Speak to the help line try and see a different Dr tell them how you are feeling. Does your local leisure centre have pain management or social groups mine does?. It's difficult but tomorrow is another day try some relaxation techniques something that makes you feel good.

  • Thank you all for your kind responses. Update, I have been referred for an MRI. Nobody has said anything about it all I know is that it came from the physiotherapist. Can only be a good thing.

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    @Topher3121 that's good new, hope this gives you the answers that you need and gets you on the right treatment pathway.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    @Topher3121 doing everything you can could be a recipe for becoming worn out, without really knowing exactly why. In some ways it aught to be a recipe for saying that everything is ok, as your doing everything you can, but meanwhile something you feel is telling you its too much, so it probably is too much.

    I find arthritis keeps coming and needs a regular check in, whatever I do, so thats ok too. We have to just do it and make adjustments. I like your MRI scan and wonder what it will reveal nobody can see whats going on without it.

    I find the weekends are great. I get a rest from moving around and noticeably by Monday there is less pain and stiffness. Later in the week I get fatigue an noticing these days it is somewhat worse but still kind of ok.

  • I also feel my doctor just fobs me off. He doesn't even look at most times. Just changes my pain meds or ups the dose. None of which eases my pain..

    I totally understand how people feel like a nuisance. I feel like I just sit there moaning for 5 minutes and the doctor doesn't care.

    Waiting for a referral to the pain clinic. I really hope they can help me.

    I have a holiday booked in September to Italy. I will be so disappointed if I can't go. Good thing I've paid the insurance.

  • Maisie - this is exactly it! I am glad it's not me just being paranoid and that what I feel is happening IS ACTUALLY happening, but genuinely sad that this is happening to you too.

  • Airwave!
    Airwave! Member Posts: 2,477

    hhmmm the dark middle hours can be quite terrifying and lonely? Arther affects us all slightly differently so yes, not everybody understands! Every patient gets sent away with less than perfect experience and so we need to call on our reserves which are often depleted by our own experiences?

    Forums are a saviour but mostly don’t answer all our queries so back to lying awake in those painful lonely dark hours. We eventually find a way to exist that means something to us.

    It’s a grin, honest!

  • The harsh reality is there is not a lot gps can do for OA. Patients can often expect things which simply can not be done.

    Xrays painkillers, physio, weight loss help, mental health help orthopaedic ref that's it. Gps can't request MRIs , hence the physio ref as they can.

    There is no cure so helping symptoms is all they have.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 532

    The best thing for being sad is to learn something. Apparently there is a longer version of this saying in Camelot. I can't say I have ever read the book, but I can say I have felt the feeling.