New to group

HI my name is Karen I am new to the group. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis last week it is a bit overwhelming.


  • @karenann.

    Where about is your arthritis?

  • karenann
    karenann Member Posts: 6

    My right knee.

  • Painful joint to have it, and so frustrating. Have you at least got some painkillers to get comfy.

    What is it that your struggling with

  • karenann
    karenann Member Posts: 6

    I do have painkillers and I am waiting for stronger ones hopefully get them tomorrow.

    I am struggling with the diagnosis being able to cope with day to day things living on my own.

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 242


    welcome to this community. I do understand how hard it is to come to terms with this diagnosis. I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my right knee about 3 years ago and felt that nothing would ever be the same again. Some of my hobbies such as walking and gardening were severely curtailed as movement was slower and painful, but the best thing I did was to come on here and read people's experiences on coping with this. Now I try and be more positive and try not to look back on what I could do, but now look forward to how I can adapt and manage my symptoms. Once you get the pain controlled hopefully that will help you to feel more in control. I have to admit that some days are better than others. Also try and be kind to yourself and know that by joining this community you are not alone.

    Take care🙂

  • karenann
    karenann Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for support. I have got extra stress to deal with now with my job they want to know when I am going back to work. I was only diagnosed last Thursday.

  • karenann
    karenann Member Posts: 6

    Good news I think I have my first physio appt for beginning of June hopefully not long after that I will be starting my injections for my knee pain

  • Fran54
    Fran54 Member Posts: 242


    that is good news. Meanwhile if you feel up to it there is a section on here with exercises that you may find beneficial. At least now you have something positive to aim for. Please keep us updated.

  • Poppyjane
    Poppyjane Moderator Posts: 819

    Hello @karenann welcome to the online community

    I am glad some of our members have been offering you some support thank you @Fran54 and @Emmasknackeredjoints . It is overwhelming when first diagnosed and it takes a while to adjust to it. We are here to help with your questions and your good and not so good days, most of us have experience of them. There are lots of tips that we use to help us along like hobbies, exercise, help with sleep etc. So do browse round the community and let us know how you are getting on.

    I attach some links to information that you might find useful.

    If you have had a chance to try some of the knee exercises before you go to your physio appointment then you will be in a better position to discuss what works best for you.

    It is a lot to take in so take it at your own pace and we are here to support you. Keep in touch.

    Best wishes


    If it would be helpful to talk to someone ring the Helpline 0800 5200 520

    Monday - Friday 9.00a.m. - 6.00p.m.

  • @karenann. I find swimming works well. I don't always swim more walk about as it keeps the joints and muscles moving.

    Maybe you could try if possible . The thought sounds madness when your in pain but once I get going I'm thankful.

    My hot water bottle with fluffy cover is also soothing on my knees. Then volterol gel

    Just nice to have instead of popping pills all the time

  • karenann
    karenann Member Posts: 6

    Thanks for adivce I had a better day yesterday so done a bit too much and I am really struggling with pain today so bad I can't walk so taking it easy with a hot water bottle. Oh to be pain free.

  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 504

    @karenann quite rightly we're not supposed to offer medical advice.

    I like to know where the pain is, so I can nurse it better, this seems to be important, but do check what painkiller will suit you the best too as its harder to manage without one.