Feeling blue

Hi all, I’m new to the group and looking for some moral support. I’m relatively young (50’s) and had TLHR 4 weeks ago. If all goes to plan, I will have TRHR in another 8 weeks. I have hip dysplasia / retroversion leading to early OA. I’ve been doing really well physically, I can ace the stairs with crutches, walked a mile last week and I’m keeping up with the exercises, but I’m feeling very down and isolated. Haven’t been to work since Dec 2023 and live in a very rural location, so dependant on others for mobility. Just had argument with other half when he knocked one of my crutches over, impacting my incision site and landing on my infected big toe, and it was my fault! Sorry to be so negative on my first post, but any tips for improving mental health and reducing isolation / loneliness would be really appreciated. Thank you


  • PeterJ
    PeterJ Administrator Posts: 948

    Hello @SusieBlue and welcome to the Community. First of all you are not alone now - you are now among friends that you just haven't connected with yet.

    Yes most of us go through the down stage as we adjust to life with arthritis, but on here you will find many uplifting stories, just have a look around. I've also put a link in below from our website which might be of help.

    Please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on and I hope others contact you soon.

    Best wishes


    Need more help? - call our Helpline on 0800 5200 520 Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @SusieBlue so sorry to hear you're feeling down and it's not surprising. It's so soon after your surgery. I'm a little further down the line in that my surgery was in December. It does get better when you get more mobile and more confident to do things. I remember feeling quite down at four weeks. Everything was a struggle and left me tired although at the time I was so grateful to be out of pain too. You're walking and exercising so well done. Soon you will be able to live more normally and it is just so good to do 'normal' things and start to get your life back. Take care.

  • SusieBlue
    SusieBlue Member Posts: 3

    @Janlyn thank you. I really appreciate your kind comments and reassurance. I hope that you are well on the road to recovery following your surgery. X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @SusieBlue truly it will get better - it just takes time - remember you've been through major surgery. And yes, I am amazed now how much progress I have made. I've definitely found it important not to ask too much of myself and to exercise and walk daily, but not to overdo it. Slow, but steady, progress is key, just believe you will get there, x

  • john62
    john62 Member Posts: 96

    @SusieBlue you need to hear that you are doing well and from where I'm standing you are, well done you. Keep up the exercises and the walking and things will improve. I know it can be difficult when you are feeling down and probably more so if you are lonely, try to think more about where you are heading in this journey ie going back to work and getting out and about, try not to dwell too much on where you are just now. There is loads of support here for you if you need it. Take care.