Newly diagnosed and new to community

Hi all, just wanted to say hello. I was diagnosed with Osteoarthritis in the shoulder last week, have another GP appointment on Wednesday and physio on Friday. I've got some other medical things going on too so it's all a bit stressful at the moment.

Hoping I can get some advice on here from others going through similar ๐Ÿ˜Š


  • Baloo
    Baloo Member Posts: 539

    @Josie I find my shoulder to be a little more troublesome than other joints, as it seems to take longer to calm down if it becomes sore. Maybe shoulder are a little more delicate so go gently.

  • Ellen
    Ellen Moderator Posts: 1,917

    Good morning @JosieP

    Welcome to the online community Please do take a look around and join in the search box (little magnifying glass top right) might be helpful to narrow down threads about shoulders.

    In the meantime I am going to add a couple of links which might be useful:


    although you might be given some tailored to your own specific issue when you see the physiotherapist on Friday.

    Best wishes


  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 30,225

    Shoulders are difficult to get comfy with aren't they @JosieP Mine plays me up sometimes and l do not know where to put that arm when it happens. I hope your GP has given you some half-decent pain relief?

    When my daughter's was collapsed and agony so prior to the replacement she used a V pillow.

    Have you got one of those microwavable wheatbags? I find they really help my OA pain.

    take care and lovely to meet you

    Toni x

  • JosieP
    JosieP Member Posts: 9

    Thank you @frogmorton . I have a wheat bag but haven't tried it yet to be honest. I also have an electric heat pad which I have used and seems to help a bit. I've heard that v-pillows help, my problem at the moment is my comfortable side to sleep is my right hand side and if I'm on the left, I like to have my right arm above my head! Neither of these are particularly comfy but my brain automatically moves me into the comfy (previously) positions!!

    I'm hopeful that I'll get some exercises that will help and some further investigation/advice from the GP tomorrow ๐Ÿคž

  • JosieP
    JosieP Member Posts: 9

    Thanks for the guidance @Ellen I'm slowly working my way around the community so these are really useful ๐Ÿค—

  • JosieP
    JosieP Member Posts: 9