Really struggling need to get things of my chest !

Hello everyone hope you are all well as can be after 2 and a half years of waiting my THR Left side is due to be done on May 22 nd . I have so much pain in both buttocks , knees are both swollen and it feels like Bursitis in my right knee . Was awake all last night My family are being very supportive saying not long now but when your days and nights are full of pain all I want to do is shout at them how it feels to be in this constant pain . I can hardly walk , so much going on in my head trying to get things sorted for the operation, I would have it done tomorrow if I could. I try to explain what is is going to be like after the operation also I am scared my BMI is over 40 so I know the risk is higher for me my family think that I could well be fairly active soon ! I have tried to warn them .So sorry for the long rant I just feel all over the place at the moment xx


  • Trish9556
    Trish9556 Member Posts: 702

    Hi @ozzy62

    I can totally relate to what you're going through. My shiny new hip day is 20th May and I cannot wait. Like you, I don't sleep, I can't stand for even short periods, sitting down is uncomfortable and lying down in bed as a side sleeper who sleeps on my bad hip, it's a nightmare.

    One son know's what I'm experiencing as his mother in law had hers done, my other son thinks I'm superwoman and can do anything (this may be partly my doing) and my husband doesn't really have a clue apart from me getting up at 1 am, cursing at the pain, being extremely grumpy etc etc. I am lucky that he has been dragged into my consultations with the surgeon/nursing team/physio etc so it's slowly dawning on him.

    Would it be an idea to download the hip replacement booklet which describes life post surgery and send or give it to your family and tell them to read it? Tell them they need to be aware you will need a lot of help when you go home…but I think they will soon realise!

    Try not to get too down, we've all experienced our pains and downs here, just keep crossing off the days

    Love n hugs

    Trish xx

  • ozzy62
    ozzy62 Member Posts: 18

    Dear Trish9556,

    Thank you so much for your kind words it means a lot,I know they will be there for me with love and support .

    It’s such a big thing to go through . I really hope all goes well for your operation on the 20 th .Take care , big hugs Ozzy62 xx

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @ozzy62 Oh I do understand, I'm over four months post THR now but I still remember the pain, and lack of being able to do anything. Try to only organise what you really need to organise and please make it as easy as possible - it's really not worth putting yourself through anything that's not essential.

    Can you try giving your family jobs to do now to help and make it absolutely clear that you will need their help once you are home again? If they don't 'get it' they will once you're home.

    Hoping the time goes quickly - just think in three weeks you will be out of the other side.

    Take care, x

  • ozzy62
    ozzy62 Member Posts: 18

    Hello Janlyn ,

    It is just my husband and I that live at home our children are all grown up with families of there own.I have always been one with a plan but this time I am not in control of it , will just take it day by day . Looking forward to that day of getting my independence back and freedom.

    I hope you are well on your way back to independence and freedom ! Thank you for your kind words.

    Take care X

  • Janlyn
    Janlyn Member Posts: 508

    @ozzy62 taking a day at a time is wise as you really don't know how you will be and you could manage much better than you think. Certainly I found the things I wasted time worrying about generally didn't happen and I was taken by surprise by other things but nothing unsurmountable. I live alone and there was very little I couldn't do, but things like struggling upstairs then remembering I needed my painkillers and they were downstairs seemed like the end of the world, but only for a few days. If I'd only had someone to ask to pop downstairs for them though.

    Now I feel almost back to normal and I walk into town without thinking about it - 20 minutes there, a bit of shopping, 20 minutes back. I never believed I would do that again. There is hope.

    Take care, x