Anti inflammatory diet

Has anyone tried an anti inflammatory diet to cure pain. If so what were your outcomes?


  • nellooo
    nellooo Member Posts: 17

    Hi @FacilityGuy - I also want to hear how people have approached this. To add my personal experience, I have RA and for me, cutting out gluten was so effective - and I noticed a difference less than a week after strictly cutting it out. This was a really sad realisation for me, as i love bread and beer, but it makes a HUGE difference to the pain I get on a daily basis.

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 362

    Cutting bread, sugar, high carbs and processed foods work very well in me. It's hard but it's harder to live in pain.

  • Hi Nurina, do you have osteoarthritis that your diet helps with?

  • frogmorton
    frogmorton Member Posts: 29,772

    Where's @Arthuritis he definitely tried the anti-inflammatory diet.

    I BTW am vegan and have an inflammatory arthritis and OA now and find it helps. I think meat and dairy are quite naughty for inflammation.

    Best of luck and let us know how you get on.

    Toni x

  • jonr
    jonr Member Posts: 418

    Yes and some things have worked more than others such as Olives and eggs, both helped with inflammation and its associated symptoms but no diet will help with the pain of bone-on-bone stage 3 and 4 Arthritis as far as I know.

  • Arthuritis
    Arthuritis Member Posts: 452

    @frogmorton @FacilityGuy A diet that’s anti inflammatory is unique to everyone as my experimentation shows it depends on your gut and “leaky/damaged” it is in letting through unwelcome proteins that your immune sys reacts to badly and starting a war.

    For me it was fructose, beans + wheat plus all meat in the “healthy” category, hence having to become a medical vegan.

    more here:

    Hope you are all keeping well !

  • Nurina
    Nurina Member Posts: 362

    @FacilityGuy I have RA since I was a child and I've been diagnosed with OA recently. I need both hips replaced. After too many years, I know that the things that works for me are a low weight, exercise, a low carb diet, zero sugar, non processed food. If I have a slip, I have a flare up 100% guaranteed, all my body hurts and I can't move. I don't have a scientific explanation to this. It's what happens to me and it'll be completely different to other cases. I'm totally sure that my illness is gut related, like @Arthuritis said.

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